Unit 4

Quizlet Sports

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농구하다 to play basketball
수영하다 to swim
야구하다 to play baseball
축구하다 to play soccer
태권도를 하다 to do Taekwondo
골프를 치다 to play golf
탁구를 치다 to play ping-pong
테니스를 치다 to play tennis
스케이트를 타다 to skate (to ice skate)
스키를 타다 to ski

Quizlet Reading and Speaking

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고등학교 high school
자기소개서 self-introduction letter
전공 major
편지 letter
프로그램 program
운전하다 to drive
무역 회사 trading company
물론 of course (certainly)
방학 때마다 every school vacation
여러 가지 various (diverse, many kinds of)
열심히 공부하다 to study hard
학원에 다니다 to attend an academy
잘 부탁드립니다. Please treat me well (often said when introducing oneself)

Quizlet Dialogues

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가요 song (popular Korean song)
외국 foreign country
노래하다 to sing
안내하다 to guide
배우러 다니다 to attend in order to learn (to attend classes)
일이 많다 to have a lot of work (to have a lot of things to do)
나중에 우리 같이 테니스 쳐요. Let’s play tennis together later.
시간이 있을 때 뭐 하세요? When you have free time, what do you do? (What do you do in your free time?)
요즘 어떻게 지내세요? How have you been these days?
죄송합니다 I’m sorry

Quizlet Listening and Speaking

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테니스장 tennis court
퇴근 leaving one’s office
소개하다 to introduce
시작하다 to start (to begin)
친절하다 to be kind (to be considerate)
소개해 주다 to make an introduction (to introduce someone)
신촌 역 2번 출구 exit 2 of Sinchon station
일찍 early
그럼요 of course (naturally)
내일 만나요. See you tomorrow.