Marc Tasman at TEDxUWMilwaukee

Union Wisconsin Room , United States

Marc Tasman will be one of the speakers at TEDxUWMilwaukee this Saturday. More info on TEDxUW-Milwaukee: On October 3 from 1-7 p.m. in the Union Wisconsin Room TEDxUWMilwaukee 2015 presents React Differently, to remind us that the way we […]

Digital Humanities Lab: Gamergate: Rebuilding after a Culture War

Digital Humanities Lab, Golda Meir Library 2311 E. Hartford Ave., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Serious Play will be hosting a talk and panel discussion on Gamergate by Alexis Dalbey, Steve Cuff, and Rachel Kinnard in the Digital Humanities Lab in the 2nd Floor East Wing of the Golda Meir Library. Gamergate was an online […]