COMPARISONS ARE ODOROUS: Comparison in Science and the Science of Comparison
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Peter J Lor, D.Phil.
Visiting Professor, School of Information Studies
Past Secretary General, International Federated Library Association (IFLA); Past National Library of South Africa
Student Presentations:
Lucio Campanelli & Dan Rude, MLIS Students
Adaptive Browsing for a Community Database
Kun Lu, PhD Student
Ideal Matching, Real Matching: A Model
Tim Blomquist, MLIS Student
Findings from a Survey of Wisconsin Public Library Services for the Homeless Population
Lauree Garcia Hart, PhD Student
The Efficacy of Infodemiology in Tracking H1N1
Jo Ellen Darnton, BSIR Student
Chunsheng Huang, PhD Student
Digital Archives of Taiwan Agricultural History During the Japanese Colonial Period: Phase I
Jihee Beak, MLIS Student
The relationship between the school library media specialist’s working environment and the level of information organization in a visual search in an OPAC system
Taryn Sauer, PhD Student & Recent MLIS Graduate
Asking Smart Questions: How Question Type and Form Affect Answer Quality on Q&A Web Sites
Hohyon Ryu, MLIS Student & Kun Lu, PhD Student
Building an Augmented Index for Genomic Information Retrieval