FERPA & Parental Notification
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of resident education records. Additional details can be found here. In accordance with FERPA guidelines, University Housing administrators will not share any resident information, other than directory information, with anyone outside of the University system. This includes, but is not limited to, information about a resident’s grades, behavioral history and action, health concerns, current whereabouts, and financial information. Exceptions to this Act, regardless of age, will be made in life-threatening situations.
Parental Notification
Like many colleges and universities across the United States, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is very concerned about students’ use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs. Federal laws governing the privacy of student records, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), permits colleges and universities to inform the family of a student under 21 years of age when their student has been found in violation of university alcohol or drug rules and/or in the case of a health or safety emergency.
A member of the Residence Life professional staff will notify the family of a student under 21 years of age:
- By a phone call, if that resident is transported to an emergency medical treatment center for drug use or intoxication or if a person’s health and safety is at serious risk, staff will contact the person the student listed as an emergency contact at the time the student is transported.
- In writing, if the University determines that the resident has committed a serious violation of alcohol or drug policies. (This letter will be sent within several business days of the determination that the student violated University Housing or UWM alcohol or drug policies. Some policy violations that are considered less serious-for example, a person’s first time in a room where an empty beer can has been found-may not result in a notification letter being sent. )