- grundl@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4765
- GLRF Main Building 346
Timothy Grundl
- Professor Emeritus, Geosciences
- PhD, Geochemistry, Colorado School of Mines, 1988
- MS, Geology, Northern Illinois University, 1980
- BS, Geology, University of Delaware, 1975
Research Interests
- The overall geochemistry of the deep sandstone aquifer of the upper Midwest. The last of the Pleistocene ice advances injected a large pulse of fresh water into this aquifer, and through the use of noble gas and stable isotope data, we are unraveling the dynamics of this one-time event.
- The effects on shallow aquifers and their microbial consortium when treated effluent is used to recharge the aquifer either directly or indirectly by the use of riverbank filtration.
- The development of a suite of in-situ probes for the rapid, screening-level detection of contamination in submerged or subaerial sediments. These probes induce contaminant fluorescence by excitation with either laser or x-ray irradiation.
- Use of portable x-ray spectrometers to directly detect lead (Pb) levels in the edible portion of vegetables. This is a much easier and more direct way to determine if vegetables grown in urban settings are safe to eat than estimating Pb uptake solely from soil measurements.
Recent and Selected Publications
Kodikara, G.R.L., McHenry, L.M., Grundl, T. (2022) Possible formation pathways for zeolites in closed-basin lakes on Noachian Mars: Insights from geochemical modeling. Icarus https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115271.
Jaquenoud, M., W.T. Elam, T. Grundl, T. Gimmid, A. Jakobe, S. Schefer, P. de Cannièreg, V. Cloet, O.X. Leupin 2021 X-ray fluorescence monitoring of iodide diffusion through Opalinus Clay: demonstration of a novel experimental approach. Chemosphere, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128674.
Byers, Harris, L., Mchenry, L.J., Grundl, T., 2020 Accumulation of Pb in 9 common produce crops grown in metals-rich residential garden soils, soil from a former metal foundry, and commercial topsoil. Sci. Total Environ. 743 (2020) 140414.
Grundl, T., McHenry, Lindsay J., Byers, Harris (2018) XRF Techniques to Quantify Heavy Metals in Vegetables at Low Detection Limits Food Chemistry X, DOI 10.1016/j.fochx.2018.100001, 44pp.
Han, W. S., Watson, Z.T., Kampman, N., Grundl, T., Keating, E. (2017) Periodic changes in effluent chemistry at a cold water geyser: Crystal Geyser in Utah, J. Hydrology 550, 54-64.
Byers, H., McHenry, L. J., Grundl, T. (2016) Forty-nine major and trace element concentrations measured in soil reference materials NIST SRM 2586, SRM 2587, SRM 2709a, SRM 2710 and SRM 2711a using ICP-MS and wavelength dispersive XRF. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. Vol. 40(3):433-445. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-908x.2016.00376.x.
Blair, B., Nikolaus, A., Hedman, C., Klaper, R., Grundl, T. J. (2015). Evaluating the Degradation, Sorption, and Negative Mass Balances of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products during Wastewater Treatment. Chemosphere, 134, 395-401.
Elam, T., Grundl, T., Leupin, O., Descostes, M., (2013) “Design of an In-situ XRF Instrument for Elemental Diffusion Measurements” Advances in X-ray Analysis. Vol. 56:157-166.
Grundl, T. J., Magnusson, N., Brennwald, M., Kipfer, R. (2013) Mechanisms of subglacial groundwater recharge as derived from noble gas, 14C and stable isotopic data. Earth Planetary Sci. Let. 369-370:78-85.
Winkel, L.H.E., Johnson, C.A., Lenz, M., Grundl, T., Leupin, O.X., Amini, M., Charlet, L. (2012). Environmental Selenium-From Microscopic Processes to Global Understanding. Environmental Science and Technology (feature article), 46(2), 571-579.
Grundl, T., Haderlein, S., Nurmi, J., Tratnyek, P. (2011). Introduction to aquatic redox chemistry. In Tratnyek, P., Grundl, T., Haderlein, S. (Ed.), "Aquatic Redox Chemistry" ACS Symposium Series Vol. 1071, Oxford University Press, pp. 1-14.
Alessi, D., Grundl, T. J. (2008). Reduction of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and hexahydro-1,3,5- trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) by hydroxyl-complexed Fe(II). Journal Environ. Engrg., 134(12), 937-943.