Brandon Gerig

  • Assistant Professor, School of Freshwater Sciences


Dr. Gerig is an applied ecologist whose research is broadly focused on freshwater fish and the food webs that support them. Prior to joining UWM, Gerig served as an ecologist for the National Park Service where he co-led the Great Rivers Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit headquartered at the University of Missouri. From 2017-2022 he served as an assistant professor at Northern Michigan University (promoted to associate in 2022) were he taught and conducted research in the Upper Great Lakes.


  • Ph.D., 2017, University of Notre Dame, Biological Sciences
  • M.S., 2012, University of Florida, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
  • B.S., 2009, Lake Superior State University, Fisheries and Wildlife Management

Recent Publications

  • Zorn, T.G., Rudh, B.C#. and Gerig, B.S., 2024. Use of stable isotopes to document lake to stream movements of brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis: a case study from southern Lake Superior. Ichthyological Research, pp.1-11.
  • Maitland, B.M., Bootsma, H.A., Bronte, C.R., Bunnell, D.B., Feiner, Z.S., Fenske, K.H., Fetzer, W.W., Foley, C.J., Gerig, B.S., Happel, A. and Höök, T.O., 2024. Testing food web theory in a large lake: The role of body size in habitat coupling in Lake Michigan. Ecology, p.e4413.
  • Gerig, B.S., Chaloner, D.T., Rediske, R.R., Paterson, G. and Lamberti, G.A., 2023. Pacific salmon as vectors of environmental contaminants: An experimental test confirms synoptic surveys in natural streams. Environmental Pollution336, p.122355.
  • Gerig, B.S., Sitar, S.P., Otte, W.F.#, Yule, D.L., Swanson, H.K., Bronte, C.R., Carl, D. and Blankenheim, J., 2023. Trophic ecology of juvenile lean and siscowet lake charr (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Superior: assessing for potential competition. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences81(1), pp.115-128.
  • Turschak, B., Bronte, C.R., Czesny, S., Gerig, B., Happel, A., Höök, T.O., Kornis, M.S., Leonhardt, B.S., Matthias, B.G., Rinchard, J. and Bootsma, H., 2022. Temporal variation in the niche partitioning of Lake Michigan salmonines as it relates to alewife abundance and size structure. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences79(3), pp.487-502.
  • Whitinger, J.A.#, Zorn, T.G. and Gerig, B.S., 2022. Stable isotopes and movement of Walleye change following ecological shifts driven by dreissenid mussels. North American Journal of Fisheries Management42(3), pp.572-584.
#Graduate student author/co-author