- bwramme@uwm.edu
- Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Bruce Ramme
- Adjunct Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Associate Director, Center for By-Products Utilization
- PhD, Engineering, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
- EMBA, Lubar School of Business, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
- MS, Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
- BS, Engineering – Major: Structures, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Research Interests
- Combustion Products Utilization
- High Performance Concrete and Asphalt Pavements
- Concrete Durability and Repair
- Environmental Management and Recycling
- Ramme, B.W., Covi, A., Faheem, A., and Sobolev, K., “Fly Ash – An Important Ingredient for use in Hot-Mix Ashphalt Concrete,” Proceedings of the SCMT4 International Conference, August 7 – 11, 2016, at the University of Nevada – Las Vegas.
- Ramme, B.W., Meidl, R., Paulson, R., and Stueck-Mullane, Liz; “An Overview of an Electric Utility’s Combustion Products Utilization Program,” Proceedings of the SCMT4 International Conference, August 7 – 11, 2016, at the University of Nevada – Las Vegas.
- Ramme, B.W., Covi, A.D., and Naik, T.R., EcoPad In-situ Mixed Concrete Pavement with a 93% to 100% Total Recycled Content,” Proceedings of SCMT3 Conference, Kyoto, Japan, August 18 – 21, 2013.
- Ramme, B.W., and Miller, S.H., “An Electric Freeway to the Future,” Concrete International, May 2011, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp 45-48
- Ramme, B.W., “An Investigation of CO2 Sequestration through Mineralization,” a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, May 2008.
- Naik, T. R. and Ramme, B. W., “Low Cement Content High Strength Structural Grade Concrete with Fly Ash,” Presented at the American Concrete Institute Fall Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, November 9–14, 1986, 21 p.<.li>
- Ramme, B. W., “A P.D.Q. Method of Determining the Water Cement Ratio of Fresh Concrete,” a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, August 1980
Awards, Honors and Societies
- ACI Wisconsin Chapter – Orton Spanley Award
- EPRI Technology Transfer Award
- Edward A. Abdun-Nur Award for “Pioneering the development of new technologies for the use of fly ash in portland cement concrete.”
- ASCE Life Member
- ACAA – Champion Award and Dr. Bruce W. Ramme Innovation Award Creation