School of Education Students Take a Break

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School of Education students enjoyed some unexpected treats last week to celebrate the halfway point of the semester. Tables featuring treats and swag were set out in various areas of Enderis for students to enjoy from Oct. 23-26. Social media and video signs alerted students to locations and times. Online students receive an encouraging message from Andrew Davis, associate dean and head of school.

Pictured here are visitors to the 5th Floor treat table.

Rachel Cesar (senior), Erika Wendt (senior), and Samantha Raszesja (senior) posing for a picture with a School of Education t-shirt.
Rachel Cesar (senior), Erika Wendt (senior), and Samantha Raszesja (senior) posing for a picture with a School of Education t-shirt.
Samantha Raszesja (senior), Erika Wendt (senior), and Rachel Cesar (senior) having fun at the snack and swag table.
Samantha Raszesja (senior), Erika Wendt (senior), and Rachel Cesar (senior) having fun at the snack and swag table.
Jasmine Padeti (graduate student) looking through the snack and swag table.
Jasmine Padeti (graduate student) looking through the snack and swag table.
Snack and swag table during Student Appreciation Week.
Snack and swag table during Student Appreciation Week.