UWM Alum Working to Help U.S. Olympians Be Their Best

By Kathy Quirk When Mike Clark was in high school, an AP class in psychology piqued his interest in how people think and why they do what they do. After school, when he was running track, Waukesha South coach Darrell …

UWM Alum Honored with ESPN Sports Humanitarian Award

Brice Christianson, a UWM alumnus, is being honored with the Stuart Scott ENSPIRE award as part of the ESPN 2024 Sports Humanitarian Awards. The award will be presented July 10 in Hollywood, and featured July 11 on ESPN programming as …

Mathematics Education Students Present at State Event 

Students in the Mathematics Teacher Leadership graduate cohort presented their work to classroom teachers at the Wisconsin Mathematics Council conference May 1-3 in Green Lake.  Nine students in the cohort gave presentations at the statewide event. (Several students teamed up to …

How UWM Prepares Future Educators to Teach Reading  

Everybody agrees that teaching children to read is important. That’s why it is a key focus in the School of Education’s literacy programs. Leanne Evans and Annie Marcks of UWM’s Department of Teaching and Learning lead the efforts to prepare …

Aspiring Teachers Connect 

Potential teachers got a chance to have a little fun and learn more about the profession at an April 23 event for aspiring teachers.   The event, organized by Angel Hessel, distinguished lecturer, and Tara Serebin, director of the Elementary and …

EYEth Day Celebration April 6 

An EYEth Day celebration is set for the UWM campus Saturday, April 6, as part of American Sign Language Awareness Month. Among the featured events are a Deaf business showcase from 3-5 p.m. in the UWM Union Wisconsin Room, a …

SOE Program Addresses National Need for Applied Behavior Analysts

The School of Education is introducing a new graduate program in applied behavior analysis (ABA) during the summer of 2024 to help fill a nationwide need for board certified applied behavior analysts who employ a culturally relevant lens in their …