
Swarnjit Arora

Professor Emeritus
 Bolton Hall 860


PhD, State University of New York at Buffalo
MA, State University of New York at Buffalo
BSc, (Hons), University of Delhi, India

Research Interests

Econometrics, Sample Surveys/Statistics, Regional Economics

Current Projects

Dynamic Model of Regional Investment, Regional Econometric Models

Selected Publications

Arora, Swarnjit S., and Chakrabarti, Avik. “Importing Jobs? The Impact of Global Outsourcing on Wages in Indian Manufacturing” Indian Journal of Economics and BusinessSpecial Issue. (2004): 137-152.
Arora, Swarnjit S., Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen, and Goswami, Gour. “Bilateral J-Curve between India and Her Trading Partners” Applied Economics35.9 (2003): 1037-41.