Niho Research Excellence Fund – Update
Academic year 2016-17 was a spectacular year for support from the Yoshio Niho Research Excellence Fund! This was the first year we were able to make four awards. These awards allow our faculty to give papers and conduct research that would otherwise be impossible.
The details of the four awards are below and we encourage you to contribute to help the fund grow!
“The Niho Fund allowed me to both attend a conference in my field and, critically, to hire student data help. That help was instrumental in my recent publication in the European Economic Review. It is simply wonderful as a junior faculty member to benefit from the Fund. I thank all its contributors.” — Itziar Lazkano
“I was delighted to hire students who entered data from historical records. This data is crucial for my examination of demographic changes in the US South following the civil rights movement. This painstaking work would not have happened without the Niho Fund! Support from the fund has proven critical to both doing and presenting my research. — Owen Thompson
“The Niho Fund helped with costs to present my work at a major regional conference, to work with coauthors, and to purchase valuable statistical software. In these times of diminishing support from the University, the Fund makes all the difference in remaining an active and productive scholar. I appreciate the vote of confidence!” — Rebecca Neumann
The Niho Fund allowed me to present work (joint with a former UWM PhD Student) at the Southern Economic Association meetings in in November: “Estimating Excess Sensitivity and Habit Persistence in Consumption using Greenbook forecast as an instrument.” It also helped offset expenses at the ISI conference on Growth and Development in December where I presented “Examining the Success of the Central Banks in Inflation Targeting Countries: The Dynamics of Inflation Gap and the Institutional Characteristics.” The opportunities provided by the Niho Fund support me, help my former students and raise the profile of UWM Economics – thank you. — Kundan Kishor