Labor Lunch – Tianfang Li (UWM)

Melvin Lurie Seminar Room, Bolton 812B 3210 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Tianfang Li (UWM) will present her research "The Two-Child Policy and Married Women Labor Supply in China."

Micro Workshop – Eduard Storm

Bolton Hall 812b

Eduard Strom (UWM) will present his research "The Native-Migrant Wage Gap Revisited: Evidence from Individual Task Data."

Micro Workshop – Sezen Ozcan Onal and Caglar Onal (UWM)

Sezen Ozcan Onal and Caglar Onal (UWM) will present their research "ACA's Medicaid Expansion and Income Inequality."  This will be presented via Teams with invitations sent to all PhD students and all on the Labor Lunch list serve.

Micro Work Shop – Avigyan Sengupta (UWM)

Avigyan Sengupta (UWM) will present her research "ADHD and Household Wealth."  The presentation will be via Teams and a link will be sent to all PhD Students and those on the Labor Lunch list serve.

Micro-Workshop Scott Drewianka (UWM)

Scott Drewianka (UWM) will present his research "Homeownership, Relocation, and Lifetime Budget Risk."  The Zoom is below: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 852 8300 7678 Passcode: 769426