Applied Micro Study Group

Bolton Hall 294 3210 Maryland Avenue, Milwaukee, WI, United States

John Schwendel and Venky will discuss their research in this student led group. John will present U.S. Earnings Inequality 1946-2015: A parametric Approach and Venky will present Changes in the Returns to Education: Evidence from Three Cohorts of the NLS.

Micro Workshop – Kevin Thom (UWM)

Bolton Hall 812b

Kevin Thom (UWM) will present his research "An Overview of Genetic Data for Labor and Health Economics Research."

Labor Lunch – Tianfang Li (UWM)

Melvin Lurie Seminar Room, Bolton 812B 3210 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Tianfang Li (UWM) will present her research "The Two-Child Policy and Married Women Labor Supply in China."