Micro Workshop – Sezen Ozcan Onal and Caglar Onal (UWM)

Sezen Ozcan Onal and Caglar Onal (UWM) will present their research "ACA's Medicaid Expansion and Income Inequality."  This will be presented via Teams with invitations sent to all PhD students and all on the Labor Lunch list serve.

Micro Work Shop – Avigyan Sengupta (UWM)

Avigyan Sengupta (UWM) will present her research "ADHD and Household Wealth."  The presentation will be via Teams and a link will be sent to all PhD Students and those on the Labor Lunch list serve.

Micro-Workshop Scott Drewianka (UWM)

Scott Drewianka (UWM) will present his research "Homeownership, Relocation, and Lifetime Budget Risk."  The Zoom is below: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85283007678?pwd=cFVSZmtudUNPVFJ6d2lWdXVyMHV5QT09 Meeting ID: 852 8300 7678 Passcode: 769426

Micro Workshop (Labor Lunch) – Sezen Ozcan Onal (UWM)

Sezen Ozcan Onal (UWM) will present her research "Does the ACA Medicaid Expansion Encourage Early Retirement?"  This will be presented via Zoom and all are encouraged to attend: Here is the Zoom link: https://uwm-edu.zoom.us/j/84952688347?pwd=RmVNT1A3MzRxM1hXSTdXQkRLQmJWQT09  

Micro Workshop (Labor Lunch) – Caglar Onal (UWM)

Caglar Onal (UWM) will present his research “Recreational Cannabis Laws and Black Marriage.”  This will be a Zoom presentation at the link posted below: https://uwm-edu.zoom.us/j/84323278405?pwd=MUVOR1ZDQ0Y5NEVGMVFrR2s3OWN4QT09

Micro-Workshop (Labor Lunch) – Kevin Thom (UWM)

Kevin Thom (UWM) will present his research TBA.  This will be a Zoom presentation with the details below. Topic: Labor Lunch Time: Mar 17, 2021 12:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://uwm-edu.zoom.us/j/86102642944?pwd=ekl4b1FocU1pRm85K1JLR1o2R1IwZz09 Meeting ID: 861 0264 […]

Micro Workshop (Labor Lunch) – Siyu Feng (UWM)

Siyu Feng (UWM) will present her work "Innovation trends in electricity storage: What drives global innovation."  This will be presented via Zoom using the link below. Topic: Labor Lunch Time: Mar 31, 2021 12:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) […]

Micro Workshop (Labor Lunch) – Jayati Chakraborty (UWM)

Jayati Chakraborty (UWM) will present her research "Wage inequality in India: Decomposition by gender and marital status." This is zoom presentation and details are below. ------------------------------------- Topic: Labor Lunch Time: Apr 28, 2021 12:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) […]

Micro Workshop (Labor Lunch) – Blair Long (UWM)

Architecture Rm 191 3285 Maryland Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Blair Long (UWM) will present his research "The Effect of Housing Prices on Wealth and Wealth Inequality in Canada from 1999-2019."