Niho Research Excellence Fund – Update
The department greatly benefited from the Yoshio Niho Research Excellence Fund in academic year 2018-19! This was the third year we were able to make four awards. These awards allow our faculty to give papers and conduct research that would otherwise be impossible. Thanks to Yoshio and the dozens of donors who faithfully support the research mission of the department.
The details of the four awards are below and we encourage you to contribute to help the fund grow!
Jangsu Yoon – I was fortunate to present my research at both the 15th International Symposium on Econometric Theory in Japan and at the China Meeting of the Econometric Society. These valuable experiences would not have been possible without the support from the Niho Fund for which I am grateful.
Itziar Lazkano – The Niho Fund allowed me to present my work on innovation in renewable energy at the Summer Forum of the Barcelona Graduate School in Economics. This forum brought together worldwide experts in my field and I found it extremely useful both to meet other researchers and to get comments on my work. I appreciated the opportunity.
Filip Vesley – The Niho Fund allocation financed my presentation at the 2019 International Conference on the Theory of Games and Economic Behavior in Nanjing. This great opportunity allowed me to present my work, receive valuable suggests and meet others directly in my field.
Scott Drewianka – The Niho Fund paid for new software, data, subscriptions and submission fees. These all help enormously in conducting my research and I thank the Fund and its contributors.