Make a Report
If you would like to discuss concerns regarding any form of sexual misconduct, you can:
- Submit an incident report or
- Contact the Title IX Office:, 414-229-7012
Get Support
Title IX staff will review your concern, will help connect you with supportive resources, and will explain the grievance process and options, including how to file a formal complaint or request an investigation under other applicable policies.
Start the Grievance Process
After consulting with the Title IX Coordinator, you may choose whether you would like to participate in any available process. In some rare cases, Title IX or UWM may be obligated to address the concern even without your participation – you would be informed if this were to occur.
- Mandatory Dismissal
Some allegations will lack jurisdiction under Title IX and must be dismissed. UWM may still address the alleged conduct under other applicable policies. - Discretionary Dismissal
You may inform Title IX, in writing, at any time, that you wish to withdraw your complaint. In some cases, UWM may be unable to gather sufficient evidence to reach a determination and your complaint could be dismissed. UWM may still address the alleged conduct under other applicable policies. - Informal Resolution
You may choose to participate in an Informal Resolution Process, but can return to the Grievance Process at any time.
- Mandatory Dismissal
Participate in the Investigation
Investigators will interview parties and other available witnesses and gather information or evidence directly related to the complaint, then issue a report summarizing all relavant evidence and recommending findings and sanctions, if appropriate.
Choose to Attend the Hearing
Live hearings will be held, unless waived by both parties, in person or virtually, and all cross-examinations must be conducted by a party’s advisor.* If a party does not have an advisor, one will be provided. A written hearing decision using a preponderance standard (“more likely than not”) will be issued to both parties with:
- findings of fact,
- a determination regarding responsibility, and
- any disciplinary sanctions to be imposed.
*Note: Some non-Title IX misconduct cases involving employees may not require a live hearing.
Know Your Appeal Rights
Either party may appeal dismissal or hearing decisions and request further review as provided under applicable UWM policies. Any decision regarding an appeal will be issued in writing and provided to both parties.
Resources & Reporting Information
- Retaliation
Intimidation, threats, coercion or discrimination against any individual for participating in a Title IX process is prohibited and may result in additional charges. - Supportive Measures
Interim measures can be provided through the Title IX Office which may include changes to academic, living, or work situations, and other protective orders. - Ongoing Support
The Title IX Office will connect all individuals to supportive resources throughout the entire process.
- Retaliation
Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Process
Jamie Cimpl-Wiemer
Title IX Coordinator