The Inauguration Of Chancellor Mark A. Mone

Mark A. Mone, Ph.D., was officially installed as the ninth chancellor at the University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee during inauguration ceremonies Friday afternoon at the Helene A. Zelazo Center on the UWM campus.

“The ritual of this Inauguration ceremony with all of its formality and pomp and circumstance might lead you to believe that it is about an individual. It is not. It is about the will of the people to induce positive change,” Mone said. “None of the life-changing examples showcased during the ceremony would have been possible without the energy and power of our people: Our students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends and partners. You comprise everything we do.”

Complete Inauguration Ceremony – The Inauguration of Chancellor Mark A. Mone, Ph.D. as ninth Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

After seven months as interim chancellor, Mone was named to the position permanently in late 2014 by the UW System Board of Regents. Prior to becoming interim chancellor, he had served as the Chancellor’s Designee for Strategic Planning and Campus Climate. In that role, he worked with senior campus leadership, governance groups and all stakeholders to develop UWM’s 2020 strategic plan and campus-level programs to improve the organizational climate.

A professor of business focused on executive education, organizational behavior and theory, he has been a member of the UWM faculty since 1989 and served more than 15 years as associate dean for executive education and business engagement. From that background, colleagues say, Mone brings a strong dedication to the UWM mission and community as well as a collaborative leadership style.

UWM: Changing Lives Through Community Engagement – UW-Milwaukee is a community of learners and researchers providing the talent to drive Wisconsin’s economy. UWM is committed to making Milwaukee a water hub, leading the energy revolution and transforming lives through leadership, research and service.

In speaking to the regents at a June 2015 meeting at UWM, Mone spoke passionately about the university’s impact on southeastern Wisconsin. “UWM is the only public urban research university in Wisconsin, with a strong reputation for community engagement, economic revitalization and entrepreneurism. It is an economic driver in the Midwest, with an annual $1.5 billion impact in Wisconsin alone since 2012.”

In addition, he proudly noted that UWM continues to serve a unique mission in Wisconsin’s largest urban area – making a college education accessible for many first-generation and economically disadvantaged students. “We continue to offer incredible value for the dollar.”

UWM Students: Transforming Their Futures – From conducting HIV research in Africa to starting their own companies and commercializing products, UWM students are change makers in Milwaukee and across the globe.

“No one is better positioned to handle the challenges the university faces than Chancellor Mone,” said David Misky, president of the UWM Alumni Association Board of Trustees and assistant executive director of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee. “He has incredible support within the university, but he also has a wonderful relationship with business. Both of these relationships will be incredibly useful.”

UWM Alumni: Impacting the World – A degree from UW-Milwaukee is a degree in achievement. 160,000 UWM alumni live and work around the world. They are CEOs, New York Times best-selling authors and humanitarians. Walk through a boardroom in Milwaukee and chances are you’ll meet a UWM alum.

To emphasize the university’s continued strength in top-tier interdisciplinary research, UWM’s new Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex (KIRC) was also dedicated as part of inauguration day ceremonies.

“The new Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex is just one symbol of our progress and strength going forward,” Mone said. “We will continue to face challenges, but with the help of our faculty, staff, alumni and friends in the community, we will continue to meet them.”

The Making and Meaning of the Chancellor’s Medallion – With water from Lake Michigan in its center chamber – and spheres representing how student knowledge grows at UW-Milwaukee – the Chancellor’s Medallion is full of symbolism specific to UWM. Frankie Flood, associate professor of art and design, designed and fabricated the medallion after talking with Chancellor Mark Mone about his vision for UWM’s future.