Brown Bag Discussion w/Jairus Grove: “Bringing the World Back In”

Curtin 939 3243 N Downer Ave, Milwaukee

Jairus Grove (Director, University of Hawai’i Research Center for Futures Studies) will be hosting a special brown bag discussion at the Center for 21st Century Studies on Friday at noon. Grove will be discussing his work in progress, "Bringing the …

Jairus Grove: Savage Ecology: War and Geopolitics at the End of the World

Curtin 175 3243 N Downer Ave, Milwaukee

Jairus Grove (University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa) joined us on November 1, 2019 to discuss "Savage Ecology: War and Geopolitics at the End of the World." (Grove also hosted a brown bag discussion on Friday at noon in the Center for 21st …