Call for Applications: 2019 Career Diversity Residential Summer Workshop

Interested in working outside academia after graduate school?

In summer 2019, Humanities Without Walls (HWW) is holding its second three-week, in-residence summer workshop for doctoral students interested in learning about careers outside of the academy and/or the tenure track system. HWW is based at the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), and the workshop will take place in Chicago.

UWM invites applications from interested doctoral students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences to be considered for nomination. Eligible doctoral students must be nominated for this fellowship by their home institutions, and only one nomination may be made to HWW by each university.

To be considered, students must submit their applications to the Center for 21st Century Studies by September 30th, 2018. Students should submit their application file as one PDF to:

To review the details of the workshop and application requirements, visit HWW’s website.