SCMI leadership and faculty expertise covers a wide range of analysis, improvement, and research projects. Your company can benefit from a formal collaboration with us by becoming a member in the Supply Chain Management Institute at UWM’s Lubar College of Business.

Supply Chain Management Institute member organizations are true partners in the Institute’s initiatives, providing direction for the Institute and UWM’s curriculum. Our member companies work collaboratively with students on solutions to company problems. Member companies are also provided with access to the latest supply chain research and the opportunity to engage in peer-to-peer networking with other supply chain executives.

SCMI also welcomes ad-hoc projects on a fee basis with non-member companies. This allows organizations to benefit from SCMI’s capabilities before becoming a full member.

SCMI Hosts Direct Supply Night
Lubar students learn about supply chain careers from an industry leader in senior living products and solutions.

We thank our corporate partners for their support and involvement with our faculty and students!

List of logos for SCMI

Our supply chain students have completed a number of projects for our partner companies. Below are a few examples of these projects.

In-depth Data Analysis

Asian Lanes and Carriers Analysis: A Lubar student analyzed the various lanes and shipping carriers for Asian-supplied goods for a local partner company and recommended optimal Asian shipping lanes to meet delivery time and cost considerations.

Improve Warehouse Slotting: A Lubar student identified products at the warehouse that should be reslotted to reduce picking time and cost.

Mexico Distribution Analysis: Lubar student analyzed the TL, LTL and courier rates from a company’s distribution center in Mexico and recommended the carrier that should be used for each transportation lane.

Network Optimization: A Lubar student determined the optimal location and quantity of North American warehouses for a company’s branded products.

Supplier Risk Assessments & Actions: Two Lubar students worked with the suppliers of a local partner to contact those suppliers, gather confirmations or risk concerns about hitting demanded component and product delivery dates, and then reported those findings to the partner’s Procurement organization.

Dashboards and Decision-support Tools in Excel

Logistics Strategic Planning Tool: A Lubar student created an Excel model for a company’s Logistics department that forecasts tractors, trailers, drivers, forklifts and warehouse staff needs for the next 5 years.

Safety Stock Tool: A Lubar student built an Excel-based tool that allows a company to determine the appropriate levels of safety stock for all its SKUs.

SKU Risk Assessment and Stocking Strategy Tool: A Lubar student worked with a local healthcare partner to develop a Risk Assessment tool for each SKU used by that organization, and then developed a Stocking Strategy tool to optimize levels of inventory to meet cost and product availability demands.

Warehouse Inventory Model: A Lubar student created an Excel model that identifies, for a given product, the appropriate amount of inventory to hold on site and at the warehouse.

Research Leveraging the University of Wisconsin Library Resources

Evaluation of Service Providers – A Lubar student helped a company create an objective method for evaluating service suppliers and providing performance feedback.

Identifying the Demographics that Drive Sales and Donations – A Lubar student identified the best predictors of a store’s sales and donation level for the purpose of locating new stores.

Best Practices for Internal Orders – A Lubar student identified the best practices for a company to manage and process its internal orders.

Supply Chain Management Institute
Lubar Hall S490