What is Women’s & Gender Studies?
Women’s & Gender Studies is an academic discipline that critically evaluates gender from an interdisciplinary perspective and challenges many traditional assumptions and theories about women that have excluded them from positions of power. It examines the practice and expression of gender in different societies and at different historical moments; it explores the various origins and articulations of gender differentiation; it traces the influence of gender expectations on individuals and it studies the interactions of gender and other differences in social, political, and cultural contexts. The feminist pedagogy used in Women’s & Gender Studies courses empowers all students to become active learners and social change agents through discussion, written work, collaborative projects, and practical involvement beyond the classroom.
What can I do with a Women’s & Gender Studies degree?
To learn more about potential and job opportunities please visit . . .
- The Feminist Jobs Board, a project of the Feminist Majority Foundation, posts employment opportunities from across the country and internationally.
For more information about Women’s & Gender Studies contact the Undergraduate Advisor Morgan Foster
What will I learn in Women’s & Gender Studies?
Learning Outcome 1:
Cultural and Contextual Awareness
Understand feminist, women’s and gender issues in local, national, and global contexts.
Learning Outcome 2:
Critical Understanding of the Complexity of Feminisms and Feminist Theories
Recognize and understand the diversity of perspectives within feminisms and feminist theories.
Learning Outcome 3:
Understanding Diversity
Understand the interrelatedness of gender and other identity categories such as class, race, sexuality, age or ability.
Learning Outcome 4:
Apply Terms and Concepts
Apply theoretical terms and concepts of feminist and gender analysis to specific gender issues.
Learning Outcome 5:
Use Gender as a Framework
Write a well-structured, well-argued research proposal and/or paper using gender as a framework for analysis.
Learning Outcome 6:
Holistic Evaluation of Feminism Research
Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical, epistemological, methodological problems that arise throughout the research process in Women’s & Gender Studies.