IPV-SA of Indigenous Women Webinars
Women’s & Gender Studies is proud to co-sponsor webinars presented by MATEC-WI. Presenters for this even include our own MA student, Katie Klein.
The Intersection of Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Assault, Trafficking and STI Risk in Indigenous Women: Identifying Root Causes to Improve Care and Seek Social Justice
Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2020 from 12:00 to 1:00 pm CST
Jeneile Luebke, PhD, MS, RN
Katie Klein, MSW student
Description: Violence against women and girls is a significant problem in Native American communities and AI women living on tribal reservations experience unique challenges that intensify this epidemic. Attend this webinar to understand how intersecting systems of oppression contribute to high rates of intimate partner violence, sexual assault and trafficking among American Indian women.
Webinar Link: Check back!
The Intersection of Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Assault, Trafficking and STI Risk in Indigenous Women: Providing Survivor Led, Advocacy Drive, and Culturally Safe Care
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 from 12:00 to 1:00 pm CST
Jeneile Luebke, PhD, MS, RN
Katie Klein, MSW student
Ashley Ruiz, RM, SANE-A, PhD Candidate
Description: More than half of American Indian and Alaska Native women will experience sexual violence in their lifetimes, according to the Department of Justice. Yet, they often don’t seek medical care and support due to medical distrust and the lack of culturally safe care. Attend this webinar to use knowledge gained in the first webinar of this series to improve your ability to provide culturally safe care and STI and HIV screening and prophylaxis.
Webinar Link: Check back!