Eichner Interviewed on 10thirtysix
Carolyn Eichner (Women’s & Gender Studies Chair) spoke on 10thirtysix about the impact and import of the Women’s March. See interview on YouTube.
Carolyn Eichner (Women’s & Gender Studies Chair) spoke on 10thirtysix about the impact and import of the Women’s March. See interview on YouTube.
Call for Submissions! In celebration of Women’s History Month, WGS hosts the annual UWM Student Research Paper & Project Contest. Contest winners will be recognized at the annual WGS Student Awards Ceremony along with MPS student contest winners in March 2017. More information…
Friday Afternoons at 1pm
Join us this semester for Radical Stitches, a feminist stitching group.
Join us for our Brown Bag Series, Thursdays at Noon, CRT 904. Our Spring 2017 lectures are free and open to the public.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Please join us for our WGS Affiliates General Meeting at 4:00pm, Union 280. This meeting is open to any faculty or staff with an interest in WGS. Please encourage your colleagues to join us!
February 15, 2017
Women’s & Gender Studies Feminist Lecture Series 2017 proudly presents Nancy Fraser for a talk entitled “Crisis of Care? Social Contradictions of Neoliberal Capitalism.”