Urban Studies Major featured in L&S InFocus

Trevor Jung, Urban Studies Major
Trevor Jung, an Urban Studies major, recently completed a five-month internship in the Milwaukee Mayor’s office. Trevor worked part-time in the Constituent Relations Department, fielding phone calls from concerned residents about everything from snow plowing schedules to finding shelter on cold winter nights. Jung said of his experience, “I’m so grateful that I did the internship, because I got to see the real stories behind the theory.” In his Urban Studies classes, he explains, they talk about segregation, about public housing, homelessness, economic development, and transportation, but in his internship, he sat in the Mayor’s office answering phones and actually spoke with people of the community who expressed their needs and sought information about public services. He explain: “It puts things in perspective. You’re not just studying these things to be enlightened; you’re studying these things because these are real problems that need to be addressed.” Jung expressed his admiration for the dedication and openness of Milwaukee City Major Barrett. Jung explained: “I got to hand out turkeys to families for Thanksgiving. That was so neat because I got to see the real sincerity of Mayor Barrett. That’s what being the leader of a city is all about – that service mindset.” Jung plans to return to Racine after graduation and pursue a leadership position within his hometown community.