Urban Studies Colloquium Series – Method in Madness: Application of Mixed Methodology in a Dissertation
Date/Time: Friday, April 30 @ 1:00pm
Speaker: Tathagato Chakraborty, PhD Candidate, Urban Studies Programs
Chakraborty’s research explores how the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) is instrumentalized to promote poverty deconcentration, better socio-economic outcomes, and upward mobility for distressed places and communities. Conceived to be an instrument of economic growth, LIHTC developments produced suboptimal outcomes by routinely locating in high poverty areas, exacerbating poverty concentration. Using longitudinal data for over 300 Metropolitan Areas, this study explores changes that occurred due to effective LIHTC developments at the neighborhood level. This presentation will explore the methodological treatment using a mixed-method approach with a diverse data type in addressing the research questions posed in the dissertation.