Volume VIII
Back to the Future: New (and Old) Development Debates and Discourses in Urban America
e.polis Production Editor
Ditimoni Baruah, Doctoral Student
Jamie Harris, Ph.D., Urban Studies Associate Director
Samantha Judith Fleischman, Peter J. Lund, Milika Miller, Hamideh Moayyed, Sierra Starner-Heffron, Jane Van Eerden
In This Issue
Winner of the 2015 Scott Greer Award for Outstanding Research
Community Mobilization in Milwaukee: Creating Critical Mass to Address the Free-Rider Problem.
Nicholas DeMarsh, Urban Studies Programs MS Student, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
e.polis 2016 8: 1-21.
2015 Urban Studies’ Fall Lecture
An Interview with Dr. Eoin O’Neill, Lecturer in Environmental Policy, University College Dublin.
Interviewed by Jane Van Eerden, Urban Studies Programs MS Student, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
e.polis 2016 8: 22-27.
Book Review
Convention Center Follies: Politics, Power, and Public Investment in American Cities by Heywood T. Sanders. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014, 514 pages.
Peter Lund, Urban Studies Programs Doctoral Student, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
e.polis 2016 8: 28-31.
2015 Urban Studies Senior Capstone Seminar Paper
Video-Surveillance’s Impact on Crime: Comparing public areas in Chicago and Washington D.C.
Alvin Olson, Urban Studies Undergraduate Major, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
e.polis 2016 8: 32-42.
e.polis 2015 Open Submission Article
Urban Ethnic Tourism: An Overview of Current Research and Framework for Application.
Joy Neilson, MS, Urban Studies, Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
e.polis 2016 8: 43-63.
Scholar Profile
An Interview with Dr. Robert Schneider, Associate Professor of Urban Planning, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Interviewed by Hamideh Moayyed, Urban Studies Programs Doctoral Student, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. e.polis 2016 8: 64-70.