Events Archive
Archived Events for 2005
March 2, 2005
Dr. Ann Markusen, keynote speaker — Speaker Series
“The Artistic Dividend: The Arts’ Hidden Contribution to Regional Economic Development”
4:30 pm in Greene Hall
Fesler-Lampert Professor of Urban and Regional Affairs; Director, Project on Regional and Industrial Economics Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs University of Minnesota
May 7, 2005
10th Annual Student Forum
“Cities after Urbanism”
Keynote Address: Dr. Douglas Rae, Yale University
4:15 pm in the UWM Student Union
Wisconsin Room, E250 and E260
November 4, 2005
Urban Tsunami: Irregular Settlement Development
Professor Enrique Martin-Moreno, University of Iberoamericano, Mexico City
4:30 pm in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, AUP 170
Co-sponsored by the Urban Studies Programs, The School of Architecture and Urban Planning, and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
December 1, 2005
Speakers Series
“An Irony of Segregation” Exploring the Dependence of the Voting Rights Act on a Legacy of Injustice
Gabriela Sandoval, Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Santa Cruz
4:30 pm in Greene Hall, UWM campus
Co-sponsored by the Urban Studies Programs, The Roberto Hernandez Center, and Department of Sociology
Archived Events for 2006
January 27, 2006
Speakers Series
dr. john powell, Executive Director, Professor of Law, Williams Chair, Moritz College of Law, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, Ohio State University
4:30 pm in the UWM Union Ballroom
February 2, 2006
USP Authors to Hold Book-Signing
Urban Studies Programs Faculty: Dr. Carrie Costello, Dr. Amanda Seligman, Dr. Frank Wilson
7:00 pm, Schwartz Bookstore, 2559 N Downer Ave
April 29, 2006
11th Annual Student Forum — America’s New Black Ghetto: Local Politics and the Global Trope
Keynote Address: Dr. David Wilson, Associate Professor of Geography, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
4:30 pm, UWM Student Union
Friday, September 22, 2006
Urban Studies Programs Fall Social and Book Signing
Urban Space, Globalization, and Global Boundaries
5:30 – 8 pm in the Hefter Conference Center
This well-attended event celebrated the recent works of USP authors, Professors A. Aneesh, Jennifer Jordan, and Steven McKay. The evening also included a panel discussion on “Urban Space, Globalization, and Global Boundaries” which included Professors Jordan and McKay, and was moderated by John Schmid, economics writer for the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.
October 20, 2006
Colloquium Series
Nonviolence and Three Riots in Chicago: Bystanders, Victims, Children, and Counterrioters
Dr. Amanda Seligman, Department of History, UW-Milwaukee
4:00 pm in the USP Conference Room, Bolton Hall 768 B, UWM Campus
Friday, November 10, 2006
Speaker Series
Economic Growth and Poverty: Does a Rising Tide Lift All Boats?
Dr. Gary Hoover, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Alabama
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm in Greene Hall 148, UWM Campus
Colloquium Series
December 1, 2006
Negotiating Poor Neighborhoods After Welfare’s End
Dr. Lorna Dilley, UW-Milwaukee
Spatial Theory in Organizational Analysis: The Case of Welfare Program Collaborations
Dr. James Harris, UW-Milwaukee
3:00 pm in the USP Conference Room, Bolton Hall 768 B, UWM Campus
Archived Events for 2007
February 16, 2007
Speaker Series
Urban Nightmares and Neoliberal Fantasies: The Media’s Conservative Framing of Urban Issues
Dr. Steve Macek, Department of Speech Communication, North Central College
3:30 pm in Mitchell Hall 195, UWM Campus
March 29, 2007
Colloquium Series
Contextualizing Care: Gender, Own and Spousal Employment, and Informal Care of Parents
Noelle Chesley and Kyle Poppie, UW-Milwaukee
3:00 pm in the USP Conference Room, Bolton Hall 768 B, UWM Campus
April 14, 2007
12th Annual USP Student Forum
Hefter Conference Center, 3271 N Lake Dr
May 10, 2007
Henry Maier State of Milwaukee Summit
3 – 7 pm at Hefter Center, UW-Milwaukee
The summit will feature academic and community researchers who will discuss strategies for enhancing Milwaukee’s economy. Scheduled Speakers are: Tom Barrett, Mayor of Milwaukee; Marc Levine, Professor of History and Urban Studies; Tim Sheehy, President of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce; Richard Longworth, Executive Director of the Global Chicago Center and former foreign correspondent for the Chicago Tribune and author of a forthcoming book on globalization and Midwest cities; and Ryan Horton of the Public Policy Forum.
September 2007
Urban Studies Fall Social is part of a cosponsored event at the Wisconsin Black Historical Society. There will be a new exhibit at the museum commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Open Housing marches in Milwaukee.
September 28-30, 2007
March on Milwaukee,
Friday, October 19, 2007
Professor Bob Beauregard will speak Friday, Oct. 19 at 3 pm in the American Geographical Society Library on the 3rd floor of Golda Meir library.
November 2007
Second annual Urban Studies Programs Henry W. Maier State of Milwaukee Summit: Heath and Urban Development
Panelist included:
- Ms. Kathleen Blair, Public Health Research and Policy Director of the City of Milwaukee Health Department
- Dr. Scott J. Adams Assistant Professor, UW-Milwaukee Department of Economics
- Chancellor Carlos E. Santiago UW-Milwaukee Chancellor and Professor of Economics
- Dr. Stephen W. Hargarten Professor and Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin
- Mr. David R. Riemer Director of Policy and Planning for Community Advocates, Inc.
- Ms. Ana Paula Soares Lynch Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Milwaukee Latino Health Coalition
Archived Events for 2008
April 12, 2008
13th Annual Student Forum — Toward a ‘Just’ Sustainability
Hefter Center, 3271 N Lake Dr
Featuring Keynote Speaker: Professor Julian Agyeman, Tufts University, Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning
Friday, March 28, 2008
Professor William Cronon will give his talk, “Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago”, Friday, March 28 at 2:30pm in the American Geographical Society library (3rd floor of Golda Meir).
Urban Studies and Sociology Professor William Velez will give a talk entitled: The Settlement of Puerto Ricans in Central Florida: Spatial and Social Issues. His talk will be held in room 183 in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning.
April 30, 2008
Milwaukee Summit
Hefter Center, 3271 N Lake Dr, UW-Milwaukee
The Urban Studies Programs at UW-Milwaukee will hold its second annual Henry W. Maier State of Milwaukee Summit on April 30, 2008. This year’s topic is the relationship of health care to urban economic development. How do cities work to improve the health of residents? What is the impact of employment in the heath care industry on the urban economy? How do health care insurance costs limit business development? What do health care costs contribute to urban poverty and the urban tax burden? How effective are nonprofit health care clinics in reaching the urban poor? What are the particular health care needs of the urban poor? This years’ panel will feature experts in health care employment, economic development and health care, and the impact of health care clinics and nonprofits.
September 25, 2008
Urban Studies Fall Social
Greene Hall, 3347 N Downer Ave
Keynote speaker, Dr. Robert Adelman, Assistant Professor, the University at Buffalo – The State University of New York, will assess the trends and explanations of urban immigration in his presentation, “Where Do Immigrants Settle in Urban America? Assessing Trends and Explanations.” Dr. Adelman’s presentation begins at 5:00 p.m. A reception follows from 6:00-7:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. It is sponsored by the UW-Milwaukee College of Letters and Science, the Urban Studies Programs and the Department of Sociology. USP Fall Social Informational Flyer
October 8, 2008
Dr. John Rennie Short, Professor of Public Policy, University of Maryland Baltimore County, will give a talk entitled, “Suburban Gothic, the Crisis in the Suburbs,” as part of the Wilkommen Geography Lecture Series.
November 2008
GIS Day at UWM features morning and afternoon workshops, a map gallery and an exhibit of the UWM Student GIS Project Competition winners. All these activities are held in the American Geographical Society Library, third floor, East Wing of the Golda Meir Library building.
November 2008
The Fall 2008 Harold Mayer Lecture will take place at 3:00 pm in the American Geographical Society Library. The guest speaker is Dr. Lawrence Knopp, Professor of Geography and Associate Dean of the Graduate School at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. His talk, entitled “Race, Gender, and Venereal Biopower in Wartime Seattle,” is based on research conducted in collaboration with Professor Michael Brown at the University of Washington.
November 12, 2008
3rd Annual Henry Maier State of Milwaukee Summit
Summit theme: Water Security and Urban Development
3:00 pm at the Hefter Center
3271 N Lake Dr, UW-Milwaukee
The Great Lakes is a valuable resource in the Midwest. In Milwaukee we are water “haves.” Other areas of the country are water “have-nots.” Water is emerging as the “new oil.” What is the relationship between water and economic growth? What is the future of the “water belt” of the upper Midwest? Will we see rebirth and growth as other parts of the country address scarce water issues?
Water is a political issue and the panelists at the 3rd annual Summit will address many issues facing water management and urban development. Issues important to ALL urban study students and alumni.
Panelists include: Peter Annin, author of the Great Lakes Water Wars; Julia Taylor, President of the Greater Milwaukee Committee; Val Klump, Director and Senior Scientist of the UWM WATER Institute; Ryan Holifield, Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Studies
Archived Events for 2009
April 4, 2009
14th Annual Urban Studies Programs Student Forum
Featured keynote speaker: Dr. Laura McEnaney is an associate professor at the Department of History at Whittier College, Whittier, California and the appointed Nadine Austin Wood Chair in American History. Her keynote address entitled World War II’s ‘Postwar’: A Social and Policy History of Peace, 1944-1953 is a study of Chicago after World War II. Location: Hefter Center, 3271 N Lake Dr, UW-Milwaukee
Timothy Beatley, the Teresa Heinz Professor of Sustainable Communities, in the Department of Urban and Environmental Planning, School of Architecture at the University of Virginia, will give a talk in room 170 of the School of Architecture & Urban Planning Building.
UWM CIE’s Sustaining Cities conference. Several USP faculty participated in the conference as well many non-UWM scholars.
Saskia Sassen, the sociologist who coined the term “global city,” will talk about “The World’s Third Spaces: Neither Global nor National,” when she delivers the annual Dean’s Distinguished Lecture in the Humanities at UWM’s Zelazo Center.
September 24, 2009
Urban Studies Fall Social
Hefter Conference Center, 3271 N Lake Dr
Keynote speaker, Dr. Louise Dyble, Associate Director for Research at the Keston Institute for Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy at USC, will speak about her research on the history and politics of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge. Dr. Dyble’s presentation begins at 5:00 pm. A reception immediately follows from 6 to 7:30 pm.
Structural Shadows: Golden Gate Bridge Suicide and the Institutions of Regionalism in Metropolitan America
Abstract: There is no clear accountability for frequent suicides at the Golden Gate Bridge, where more than a thousand people have ended their lives. Although the mounting death toll has a broad impact on the San Francisco Bay Area and its residents, responsibility for the problem falls through the cracks between the region’s decentralized and fragmented governments. This reflects the shortcomings of the institutional structures that developed over the course of the twentieth century along with the physical infrastructure of the modern city. Asking why there is no suicide barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge, Dyble will bring some of the lessons of Golden Gate Bridge history to bear on the challenge of effective governance and democracy in American metropolitan areas, today and in the future.
October 24, 2009
History of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Area Conference
Hefter Conference Center, 3271 N Lake Dr, UW-Milwaukee
Keynote Speaker: Ann Durkin Keating, Professor, Department of History North Central College
Lecture: A Call to Regionalism: Integrating City and Suburbs into Urban History
Professor Sara McLafferty, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, will give the guest lecture as part of the UWM Department of Geography Fall 2009 Harold Mayer Lecture: Locating Diversity: Place, Immigration and Women’s Health Inequalities in U.S. Cities
November 12, 2009
Henry W. Maier State of Milwaukee Summit
3:30 to 6pm, Hefter Conference Center, 3271 N Lake Dr, UW-Milwaukee
Summit theme: Public Education in Milwaukee at a Crossroads
- Panelists for this year’s Summit include:
- Dr. Daniel Grego, Executive Director of TransCenter for Youth;
- Dr. William Velez, Professor of Sociology and Urban Studies at UWM;
- Ms. Anneliese Dickman, J.D., Research Director of the Public Policy Forum, Inc.;
- Dr. Peter Blewett, Milwaukee Public School Board Vice President.
- Dean Thurman, UWM’s School of Education gives Introduction.
Archived Events for 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
UWM Urban Studies Programs 15th Annual Student Forum
The Urban Studies Programs at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee will host the 15th Annual Student Forum on Saturday, April 10, 2010 at the Hefter Conference Center, 3271 N. Lake Drive. Associate Professor, D. Bradford Hunt and Documentarian and Filmmaker, Ronit Bezalel, will explore public housing issues with an emphasis on the Cabrini Green redevelopment in Chicago, Illinois
Friday, October 1, 2010
Urban Studies Programs Fall Social
Keynote Presentation: “Green Pathways Out of Poverty and Into Prosperity” by Professor Raquel Pinderhughes, Department of Urban Studies and Planning at San Francisco State University
What are green pathways? Green collar jobs are blue collar jobs in green businesses — that is, manual labor jobs in businesses whose products and services directly improve environmental quality (Pinderhughes, 2006). Green collar jobs are located in large and small for-profit businesses, non-profit organizations, social enterprises, and public sector institutions. What unites these jobs is that all of them are associated with manual labor work that directly improves environmental quality.
Keynote Address: Raquel Pinderhughes at 4:30 pm
Reception and Social: 5:30-7:00 pm
Location: UWM Hefter Center, 3271 N. Lake Drive
Free and open to the public.
The USP Fall Social is sponsored by the Urban Studies Programs, the College of Letters and Science, the Center for Economic Development, the School of Architecture and Urban Planning and the Center for Urban Initiatives and Research.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Fifth Annual Henry W. Maier State of Milwaukee Summit: The Future of Transit
UWM Hefter Center, 3271 N. Lake Drive, Milwaukee
The panel included: Ms. Jacky Grimshaw, Vice President for Policy of the Chicago-based Center for Neighborhood Technology; Mr. Rob Henken, President of the Public Policy Forum; Ms. Kerry Thomas, Executive Director of the Southeastern Wisconsin Coalition for Transit NOW; and Dr. Joel Rast, Associate Professor of Political Science and Urban Studies, and Director of the Center for Economic Development at UWM.
This event was cosponsored by Urban Studies Programs, The Center for Urban Initiatives and Research, The Center for Economic Development, and the College of Letters and Science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Archived Events for 2011
April 2011
Urban Studies Programs Brownbag: “What is Urban Studies?”
This past year, in response to a set of short articles that appeared in the Journal of Urban Affairs that set out to define the field, we had our own what is urban studies? discussion. As an interdisciplinary field, questions about what makes urban studies a distinctive body of knowledge and area for empirical inquiry and theoretical formulation often come up and are debated from time to time. For those who weren’t able to make it, the JUA articles are listed below:
- William M. Bowen, Ronnie A. Dunn, and David O. Kasdan, “What is ‘Urban Studies’? Context, Internal Structure, and Content,” Journal of Urban Affairs 32 (May 2010), pp. 199-227. - Richard Harris and Michael E. Smith, “The History in Urban Studies: A Comment,” Journal of Urban Affairs 33 (Feb. 2011), pp. 99-105. - William M. Bowen, Ronnie A. Dunn, and David O. Kasdan,”Response to ‘The History in Urban Studies: A Comment,’” Journal of Urban Affairs 33 (Feb. 2011), pp. 107-110.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Embodied Placemaking in Urban Public Spaces (Part II) symposium sponsored by the Center for 21st Century Studies
The 16th Annual Student Forum will feature a keynote presentation from Maxwell School at Syracuse University Distinguished Professor of Geography, Don Mitchell. His keynote address is titled: Retrenchment, Revitalization, or the Right to the City?
August 23, 2011
New Student Orientation
USP New Student Orientation will be held on Tuesday August 23, 2011 from 1-3 in the Urban Studies Conference Room, Bolton 768. Start of the school year reception for new, continuing, faculty and staff to follow from 3-4.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Careers in Government
Join us at this alumni workshop on Monday, September 19th, at 3-4pm in the Urban Studies conference room (Bolton 768B). Suzanne Ludlow, an MS alumna, will discuss careers and working in local government, particularly in city planning fields. Ms. Ludlow is the current deputy city manager of Takoma Park, Maryland, just outside DC. Those of you who might be considering careers in local government, or are interested in community and economic development, or are just curious about life after degree, would benefit from attending.
September 23, 2011
Urban Studies Programs Fall Social and Lecture: “Thick Injustice in the American Metropolis”
The USP Fall Social and Lecture is scheduled for 4 to 5:30 pm in the UWM Hefter Center, 3271 N. Lake Drive. Reception: 5:30 to 6:30 pm.The Keynote speaker wil be Dr. Todd Swanstrom, E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professor in Community Collaboration and Public Policy at the University of Missouri – St. Louis. Dr. Swanstrom will explore returning social justice to the center of urban policy debates, and address the foundational questions about what justice requires in the contemporary metropolis. In addition to numerous other works of scholarship about the future ofAmerican cities, Dr. Swanstrom is the co-author of Place Matters: Metropolitics for the Twenty-First Century and co-editor of the newly published Justice and the American Metropolis. This event is free and open to the public.
September 29 and 30, and October 2, 2011
The Myth of Pruitt-Igoe documentary to be shown during the Milwaukee Film Festival
The film “The Myth of Pruitt-Igoe” will be shown three times during the Milwaukee film festival at two venues (Thurs. 9/29: North Shore Theatre – 5:15pm; Fri. 9/30: Oriental Theater – 4:30-5:53pm; and, Sun. 10/2: Oriental – 12:30pm). Pruitt-Igoe is the public housing project in St. Louis that was demolished in the early 1970s. Some refer to its destruction as the iconic moment when modernism died.
There will be a discussion following each showing but the Friday event will include a panel led discussion with comments offered by Urban Studies and Geography professor, Judith Kenny, Urban Studies alumna, Dr. Phyllis Santacroce, and Ann Wilson of Milwaukee’s Hillside Terrace Family Resource Center. This film is very well done and quite accessible for a wide audience. Those interested in public housing in particular and issues of the mid-century American city, race, and poverty in general will find it useful.
October 19, 2011
Graduate Student Colloquium
Michelle Radi, Urban Studies PhD Program dissertator, will present: The Heart of a Community: Milwaukee’s Jewish Population and their Hospital. Presentation at 12 – 1:00 pm in Bolton 768B.
October 26th at 5-6 pm
November 4th at 1-2 pm
Urban Studies Information Sessions
Please join us for the next info session about our four programs in Urban Studies: PhD, Master’s, Undergraduate Major and Certificate. This informal info session will be an opportunity to learn more about the particular degree program you’re interested in, and to have your questions answered about the application process, funding support that is available, and career opportunities in the field. Location: 768b Bolton Hall
Thursday, Nov 10, 2011
Milwaukee Summit
Join us for the 6th Annual Henry W. Maier State of Milwaukee Summit: Milwaukee and the Great Recession. The Summit will be held at the Hefter Center, 3271 N. Lake Drive, Milwaukee, from 3:30 – 5 pm with the reception from 5-6 pm on Thursday, November 10, 2011. More information
Tuesday, Nov 29, 2011
Graduate Student Workshop Series: “Demystifying the Prelim”
Please join us for the next workshop in our Graduate Student Workshop Series at noon in the USP Bolton 768 conference room. Two current USP doctoral students and two members of their prelim examination committees will discuss how they prepared for the prelim exam, what it was actually like, and what they would do differently based on their experience. Faculty reflections will include general advice on how to prepare for the exam. This workshop is aimed particularly at current doctoral students in Urban Studies, but any students who are planning to do a PhD in any field might find it useful.
Archived Events for 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Graduate Student Colloquium Brown Bag. Space, Power, Politics, Activism, and Urban Redevelopment in Contemporary Athens: The Case of the Elliniko International Airport. The case of Elliniko provides insights over power struggles between pro-growth coalitions seeking revenue-generating uses and citizen groups interested in quality of life issues. Event flyer
Friday, March 2, Noon – 1:00 pm, NWQ 5472
Archived Events for 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
Please join UWM’s Urban Studies Programs for a reception and panel discussion on urban housing, neighborhood vitality, and the foreclosure crisis in the City Hall Rotunda, 200 E. Wells Street, Milwaukee, Friday, February 1, 2013, from 6:00-8:00 PM. This event accompanies an exhibition of student work from the 2012 Buildings-Landscapes-Cultures summer field school at Thurston Woods, Milwaukee, on display at the City Hall Rotunda from January 22, 2013 – February 5, 2013.
Friday, Feb 22, 2013
Please join us for a brown bag colloquium, Friday, Feb. 22 at noon-1pm in the Urban Studies conference room, NWQ 5472. PhD Candidate Michael Ford will be presenting his dissertation research, entitled: “Connecting School Board Governance to School District Academic Outcomes.” See the Event flyer for more info.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Please join us for a graduate workshop brown bag on “Giving the Job Talk and Interviewing for the Tenure Track Job”, Tuesday April 9, 11AM in NWQ B – 5459.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Join us for the 18th Annual Student Forum at the Hefter Center, 3271 N Lake Dr
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Brown Bag Discussion
Holton 341
Felita Daniels-Ashley and Kori Schneider-Peragine, of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council, will lead the discussion and address questions including: “How far we have come in our efforts to create integrated communities?” and “What does the MMFHC do and how can you become involved?”
The event is co-sponsored by the Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council, the UWM Department of History, Urban Studies Programs, and the College of Letters & Science.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Fall Social Softball Game
(for the USP Community, families, and affiliated departments)
Please join us for our fall social and a friendly game of softball. From 3-5:00 pm at the Lake Park diamond. Followed by a visit to the new beer garden in Estabrook Park.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Milwaukee Film Festival
12:30 pm
Mark Schuller, Northern Illinois University
UWM, Cunnigham 195
4:00pm – Screening at the Oriental Theater
Tickets at the door $10
This year USP is a community partner with the Milwaukee Film Festival. We are partners of the documentary film Fatal Assistance (along with our colleagues in the Department of Africology). The film follows recovery efforts after the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti that killed 250,000 people and left 1.2 million homeless. Although billions of dollars were promised to help with rebuilding, those efforts have failed. Haitian filmmaker Raoul Peck tries to find out what went so wrong. Join us for the brown bag with Mark Schuller, an assistant professor of Anthropology at Northern Illinois University, whose own research focuses on Haiti and the earthquake recovery efforts. Dr. Schuller will also help lead the talk back after film.
Friday, October 11, 2013
UWM Urban Summit
Collaboration Room, Zilber School of Public health, 2140 N. 10th St, Milwaukee WI
The Urban Summit is about taking stock of urban-focused scholarship and university-community collaborations. The goal for this summit is to bring together faculty and staff from across the university whose research and teaching focus is on urban issues in order to start a new urban network on campus that could lead to research collaborations and community partnerships, as well as a larger goal of helping to reinsert and reinvigorate the “urban” focus at UWM as the state’s largest urban university. Another goal of this workshop will be to contribute to a UW-Milwaukee journal on urban research and scholarship.
Monday, October 28, 2013
The Milwaukee County Historical Society – 2013 Annual Banquet
Pfister Hotel – Milwaukee WI
Tickets are available through the MCHS for $75
Reception 6:00 pm – Program 7:00 pm
At this event, USP will be recognized at the Milwaukee County Historical Society 2013 Annual Banquet at 6pm at the Pfister Hotel
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Henry W. Maier State of Milwaukee Summit
“Life After Vouchers: Expansion, Accountability & Outcomes”
Hefter Center, 3271 N. Lake Drive, Milwaukee WI
With the recent expansion of school vouchers statewide, and legislative efforts to create accountability measures for all schools that receive public funding, what can we learn from the twenty year history of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program? Join us for a panel discussion and Q&A followed by a reception. Free and open to the public.
Archived Events for 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
7:00 pm
Martin Luther King Jr. Day: William Jones
Dr. William Jones, Professor of History at UW-Madison
“The March on Washington, Jobs, Freedom and the Forgotten History of Civil Rights”
Please join UWM Urban Studies Programs at Boswell Books for an MLK Day event with historian William P. Jones author of “The March on Washington: Jobs, Freedom, and the Forgotten History of Civil Rights.”
Location: Boswell Books, 2559 N. Downer Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53211
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
3:00 pm
UWM Libraries Digital Humanities Lab
Please join USP for “An Interactive Visualization of Segregation in Milwaukee” with USP Alum Jerome Knapp. “Segregation and its socio-economic impact on an entire city can be presented in a manner that invites broader discussion and action by making it easier for citizens to understand this very complex issue. One method of presentation is through an interactive application driven by real-world data that allows users to visualize how key segregation indicators impact and are impacted by other, standard economic and social indicators. The application will allow users to manipulate indicators through an online interface and generate useful reports based on their interaction.”
Thursday, January 30, 2014
4:00 pm
UWM Urban Studies Author Celebration
Join us at Boswell Book Company, for a multi-author celebration in Urban Studies. Each book’s author(s) will give a five minute presentation, followed by a book-signing and light refreshments. This event is free and open to the public.
Location: Boswell Books, 2559 N. Downer Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53211
Authors with books:
Margo Anderson, Amanda Seligman, and Ann Graf, Bibliography of Metropolitan Milwaukee, (Marquette Univ. Press, 2014)
Jenna Loyd, Health Rights Are Civil Rights: Peace and Justice Activism in Los Angeles, 1963-1978, (U of Minn Press, 2014)
Genevieve G. McBride and Stephen R. Byers, ‘Dear Mrs. Griggs’: Women Pour Out Their Hearts in the Heartland, (Marquette University Press, 2014).
Joe Rodriguez, Bootstrap New Urbanism Design, Race, and Redevelopment in Milwaukee (Lexington, 2014)
Arijit Sen and Lisa Silverman, eds., Making Place: Space and Embodiment in the City, (Indiana University Press, 2014)
Friday, March 7, 2014
USP Co-Hosts “First Friday”
With the College of Letters & Science
Thursday, April 10, 2014
USP Hosts 4th Street Forum at UWM
Urban Studies Programs is celebrating its 50th Anniversary at UWM. Celebrations and events began in the 2013-14 academic year. Watch for activities and events!
Friday, April 25, 2014 – Saturday, April 26, 2014
USP 50th Anniversary spring Forum and Alumni Reunion
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Professor Michael Leo Owens will give the talk titled: “‘Deviant’ Democrats in the City: Community Organizing By, With, and For Decarcerated Citizens.”
Thursday, Nov 20, 2014
Join us for the Henry W. Maier State of Milwaukee Summit at 4pm titled: Home and Garden: Can Urban Agriculture Save our Neighborhoods? Location: UWM Hefter Center, 3271 N. Lake Drive USP Milwaukee Summit info Summit Program.