Alumni News 2014
Michael J. Lorr accepted a position at Aquinas College as an Associate Professor of Sociology and as Director of the Community Leadership Program. Previously, he was an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Florida State College, Jacksonville and, prior to that, a Lecturer of Sociology at DePaul University in Chicago. Dr. Lorr earned his PhD in Urban Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2012.
Dr. Lorr is an urban, environmental, and cultural sociologist, who studies cities’ sustainable development attempts and the subcultures of punk rock and skateboarding. His two most recent articles are “More than Just a Soundtrack: Toward a Technology of the Collective in Hardcore Punk” published in the Journal of Contemporary Ethnography and “Defining Urban Sustainability in the Context of North American Cities” published in Nature & Culture.
Urban Studies alumna Kelly Patterson accepted a position as a Senior Research Associate in the Center for Urban Studies and an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at the University at Buffalo. Dr. Patterson is a board member of Belmont Housing Services in Buffalo, New York. Belmont is largest low-income housing developer in western New York. She was also co-chair of the 2014 conference program committee for the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP). In addition to these activities, she is a manuscript referee for Urban Affairs Review, Housing Policy Debate, Journal of Community Practice, the Community Development Journal, and the Journal of Urban Affairs.
Patterson’s most recent publication is “Neighborhood Outcomes of Formally Homeless Veterans Participating in the HUD-VASH Program” published in the Journal of Community Practice. (Co-authors are Tom Nochajski and Laiyun Wu.