Have a question? Get an answer by calling the UWM Help Desk!
Last year alone, the folks over at UWM’s premier technology touchpoint helped over 13,000 campus members resolve their tech related issues. Resolving almost 30,000 tickets in 2020, that works out to be about one ticket per every student enrolled here at UWM or a ratio of 1:1.2. However, faculty, staff and students alike can all find the answers to their technology questions at the Help Desk.
Of the tickets submitted to the Help Desk in 2020, the top two categories assigned to cases were Accounts & Access and Office 365. Even though those two categories pop up the most, always feel free to contact them with whatever tech related issue you may experience!
For more information about the UWM Help Desk such as their hours of operation, online form submission, phone numbers and more, visit their website!