Tech Tip: Pick a Passphrase

Halloween is just around the corner, and while you’re busy carving pumpkins and sipping cider, don’t forget to protect your online accounts with a powerful passphrase.  A passphrase is more secure than a password because it’s longer and can include spaces, making it complex and more resistant to hacking. Passwords are typically shorter and are potentially more vulnerable to attacks due to their limited characters. A strong passphrase keeps your digital goodies safe from spooky online ghouls.

Some things to keep in mind when creating your strong passphrase:

Monster Mash it up:

Craft a passphrase inspired by the “Monster Mash” song. For instance, “It was a graveyard smash” becomes “I+Wa5aGr@veyard$ma$h”. Mix letters, numbers, and symbols for added protection.

Beware of Common Words:

Avoid using words like your pet’s name or school mascot in your passphrase. Spooky hackers know these tricks too! Instead, choose more obscure words or phrases.

Don’t Share Your Secrets:

Just like you wouldn’t share your favorite candy, don’t share your passphrase with anyone! It’s your secret, and only you should know it.

For more tips on creating a strong passphrase, check out this YouTube video!

The following articles provide more information about managing your passwords at UWM:

If you need assistance regarding this topic, please contact the UWM Help Desk.