March Spotlight – Security Officer Olivia Olson

How long have you been a Security Officer? Why Campus Law Enforcement?

I have been a security officer for approximately 6 months now, though I previously worked for SAFE Walk when it was in service for almost 2 years. I choose to work for campus law enforcement because I am currently a Criminal Justice major at UW-Milwaukee, hoping to go into law enforcement field and possibly work for the UW-Milwaukee Police Department in my near future.

What’s been the most rewarding part of the job thus far?

One of the most rewarding parts of my job, thus far, has been the incredible connections I have made, both with my campus community and with my coworkers. I’ve learned so much from everyone and I truly feel that we are a family.

What motivates you?

I am motivated by my friends and coworkers around me. Everyone has continuously put in so much work and dedication, despite challenges like the pandemic. I am also motivated by my career field and knowing that what I’m doing, and what those around me are doing, is making my community a safe learning space.

Who is your role model?

A role model of mine is Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Not only was she a big influence in the criminal justice field as the only serving female Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, but she also proved to be a loud voice for those who had none. One of my philosophies in life has always been “voice sharper than sword”, and I feel that she upheld that well in such a challenging position.

What does this year’s Women’s History Theme mean to you?

This year’s Women’s History Month Theme “Providing Healing, Promoting Hope” is something that I believe we should keep in mind. A lot of us are going through hard times right now, and I feel that now, more than ever, we need to focus on trying to heal, and that however much hope we have left in our hearts, we need to hold onto that tightly to help pull up through this crazy time and come back stronger than ever, as a community.