Brian Switala

  • Acting Police Chief, University Police

Brian Switala has been dedicated to the UW Milwaukee Police Department for over 23 years. Since his start at UWM, he has held rank of Police Officer, Police Sergeant, Police Lieutenant, Police Captain and currently, Acting Police Chief.

Brian holds a degree in Criminal Justice and graduated Magna Cumme laude. He has completed a number of leadership trainings while at UWM. Some of those trainings are Leadership in Police Organizations, UW Leadership Development Program and FBI Regional Command College to name a few. In addition to his training accomplishments, Brian has been recognized with a number of awards while serving UWM. Some of those awards include Metal of Valor (UWMPD), Excellence in Training (UWMPD), Outstanding Service (UWM) and Chief Recognition Award.

Brian attributes his career success to working with outstanding individuals, both internal and external, who ably serve UWM to their best ability every day.