Richard Tierney
Professor Emeritus
Curtin Hall 602/623
PhD, Columbia University
Research Interests
Aristotle, both from the ancient perspective and with a view to inform contemporary discussions in metaphysics and philosophy of mind, Plato’s epistemology, and Quine.
Teaching Interests
History of ancient philosophy, as well as in logic, metaphysics, and modern philosophy.
Selected Publications
Tierney, R. J.(2007) Aristotle on the Necessity of Opposites in Posterior Analytics I.4.Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, XXXII(Summer, 2007), 139-166.
Tierney, R. J.(2004) The Scope of Aristotles’s Essentialism in the Posterior Analytics.Journal of the History of Philosophy.
Tierney, R. J.(2001) Aristotle’s Scientific Demonstrations as Expositions of Essence.Sedley, D. (Ed). Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 149-170.
Tierney, R. J.(2001) On the Senses of ‘Sumbebekos’ in Aristotle.Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 21, 61-82.