
Miren Boehm

Associate Professor
 Curtin Hall 609


PhD, University of California, Irvine
BA, (philosophy and psychology) University of California, Los Angeles

Research Interests

Hume’s theoretical and practical philosophy, Early Modern Philosophy (specially Newton and Mary Shepherd), and Contemporary Epistemology (in particular, projectivists theories).

Teaching Interests

Early Modern Philosophy, Religion and Science, Applied Ethics (Abortion, Drugs and Addiction, Animal Ethics, Global Poverty, Capital Punishment, and Euthanasia)

Selected Publications

Boehm, M. & Gorham, G. (forthcoming). Buffier on Time, Duration, and Existence. Waldow, A. & Perinetti, D. (Eds). Claude Buffier: Metaphysics, Common Sense, and Sociability. Oxford University Press.
Boehm, M. (forthcoming). Shepherd and Hume:  Experience and Necessity. Fields, K. (Ed).  Essays on Mary Shepherd: Causation, Mind, and Knowledge. Oxford University Press.
Boehm, M. (forthcoming).  Experimental Philosophy, Blind Submission, and Hume’s Other Sceptical Principles.  Radcliffe, E. (Ed). Critical Guide to the Treatise. Cambridge University Press.
Boehm, M. (2024). Conceivability as the Standard of Metaphysical Possibility. Stapleford , S. & Wagner, V. (Eds). Hume and Contemporary Epistemology, Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy. Routledge. doi:
Boehm, M. (2024).  A “Magical Power in the Soul”: Assessing Hume’s Appeal to the Imagination. Analysis. DOI: 10.1093/analys/anae062.
Boehm, M. & Cruz, M. (2023). Time for Hume’s Unchanging Objects. Philosophers’ Imprint.
Boehm, M. (2022). Review of Hsueh M. Qu. Hume’s Epistemological Evolution. (Oxford University Press, 2020). Journal of the History of Philosophy 60 (1):165-167.
Boehm, M. (2021). “Hume’s “Projectivism” Explained”. Synthese 199, 815–833. 
Boehm, M. (2019). Review of David Landy, Hume Science of Human Nature, Scientific Realism, Reason, and Substantial Explanation. Journal of the History of Philosophy, vol. 57 no. 2, p. 350-351.
Boehm, M. (2018) Causality and Hume’s Foundational Project. Routledge Philosophy of Mind Series: The Humean Mind. Eds. Coventry, A. & Sager, A. New York: Routledge. 
Boehm, M. & Palatnik, N. (2017) Causation in Modern Philosophy, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online. 
Boehm, M. (2014) Hume’s Definitions of ‘Cause’: Without Idealizations, Within the Bounds of Science. Synthese, 191, no. 16, Springer, 3803–3019. 
Boehm, M. (2013) Certainty, Necessity, and Knowledge in Hume’s Treatise. David Hume: A Tercentenary Tribute. Ed. Stanley Tweyman. Caravan Books, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 2013.
Boehm, M. (2013-Online first) Hume’s Foundational Project in the Treatise. European Journal of Philosophy, 12056. (In print: EJP, 24 (1):55-77 (2016)). 
Boehm, M. (2013) The Concept of Body in Hume’s Treatise. ProtoSociology, Concepts: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives, Vol. 30, 206-220. .
Boehm, M. (2013) The Normativity of Experience and Causal Belief in Hume’s Treatise. Hume Studies, Volume 39, Issue 2, 203-231.
Boehm, M. (2012) Filling the Gaps in Hume’s Vacuums. Hume Studies, Volume 38, Issue 1, 79-99.