Margaret Atherton
Distinguished Professor Emerita
Curtin Hall 629
PhD, Brandeis University
Research and Teaching Interests
Research focuses on English philosophers of the early modern period, historical issues in the philosophy of psychology, and the work of women philosophers in the history of philosophy
Teaching Interests
Teaches courses in the history of modern philosophy.
Selected Publications
Atherton, M. L. My History: Becoming an Historian of Philosophy.Proceedings of the American Philosophical Association.
Atherton, M. L.(2017) “George Berkeley on Scepticism”.Reed, B. , & Machuca, D. (Eds). ‘Scepticism from Antiquity to the Present’. Bloomsbury.
Atherton, M. L.(2015) “Locke and Berkeley on Real Knowledge”.Easton, P. (Ed). Gods and Giants in Early Modern Philosophy. Springer.
Atherton, M. L.(2013) “Dr. Johnson Kicks the Stone”.Proceedings of the American Philosphical Association.
Atherton, M. L.(2010) Locke’s Last Word on Spirit”.Glombicek, P. , & Hill, J. (Eds). Essays on the Concept of Mind in Early Modern Philosophy, 115-129. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Atherton, M. L.(2009) “Real Essence and Nominal Essence”.Encyclopedia of Locke and His Times. Thoemmes Continuum.
Atherton, M. L.(2009) “Berkeleianstvi a popreni hmoty”.Glombicek, P. , & Hill, J. (Eds). George Berkeley Pruvodce jeho filosofi. Filosofia,nakladatelstvi Filosofickeho ustavo AV CR.
Atherton, M. L.(2008) “The Books are in the Study as Before”.British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 16(1), 85-100.
Atherton, M. L.(2008) “The Objects of Immediate Perception”.Daniel, S. (Ed). New Interpretations of Berkeley, Joural of the History of Philosophy Books Series. Prometheus/Humanity Books.
Atherton, M. L.(2008) “What Have We Learned when We Learn to See”.Hoffman, P. , Yaffe, G. , & Owen, D. (Eds). Contemporary Perspectives on Early Modern Metaphysics: Essays in Honor of Vere Chapell. Broadview.