UWM Campus Safety Week set for Sept. 26-29

MILWAUKEE_Members of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee community will have a chance to learn more about staying safe on and off campus during Campus Safety Week Sept. 26-29.

The weeklong series of events will kick off on Monday, Sept. 26, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. with demonstrations and information tables on Spaights Plaza, 2380 E. Kenwood Blvd.  (just north of the UWM Student Union). The week will wrap up with a Coffee with a Cop event at Sandburg Residence Hall, 3400 N. Maryland Ave., 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29.

During the main Safety Week event Monday, campus police and others will offer demonstrations of CPR, bike safety, self-defense and the use of fire extinguishers. Campus organizations will also have experts and information about resources including S.A.F.E. Walkers and B.O.S.S. (Be on the Safe Side) vans, as well as the services offered by the Women’s Resource Center, LGBT Resource Center and Norris Health Center. UWM’s Innovative Weather center will be on hand to discuss weather information and safety. Milwaukee and Shorewood police will also be on hand to talk about safety and neighborhood relations in the areas near campus.

This year’s Safety Week is focusing on the idea that keeping the campus community safe is everybody’s business, according to Craig Rafferty, community liaison officer for the police department. This year’s theme is “Building Relationships, Protecting Community.”

During the week, campus police will be visiting Sandburg, Cambridge and Riverview residence halls and other campus locations to offer active-shooter training, a two-hour self-defense course, CPR and defibrillator training and information on alcohol awareness.

For more details on other events throughout the week, go to https://uwm.edu/police/trainings/category/campus-safety-week/.