UW-Milwaukee men’s head soccer coach dismissed

Following a review of the men’s soccer program at UW-Milwaukee, the administration announced today that Christopher Whalley has been dismissed as head coach. Whalley had been on administrative leave since March 1.

Because of its policy not to discuss personnel matters publicly, the university will not be commenting on the specific details about Whalley’s dismissal. However, Chancellor Michael R. Lovell issued the following statement regarding the men’s soccer program:

“We have a tremendous responsibility to ensure that our student athletes are treated with dignity and respect at all times. Our coaches must be held to the highest standards, because they are role models for our students and they represent the university both on and off the playing field. Going forward, we will take steps to ensure that members of our men’s soccer team train and compete in a positive environment that promotes good sportsmanship and scholastic excellence. We want to assure our players and their thousands of fans that UWM men’s soccer will continue to be a premier sport at the university, one that we all can be proud of.”

In addition to the dismissal of Whalley, the university announced that Benjamin Shepherd, who had been on administrative leave, will be allowed to resume his duties as assistant coach of the program.

UW-Milwaukee will begin a national search for a new head coach for the men’s soccer team immediately.