April 17, 2024

Luber Academic Planning Committee Subcommittee
Lubar S341 and on Teams, 02:30 pm
Purpose of Meeting: Approve faculty hiring plans
Contact: Colleen Boland, bolandc@uwm.edu, (414) 229-2551.

April 17, 2024

Non-Academic Misconduct Hearing
Microsoft Teams, 02:00 pm
Purpose of Meeting: To hear an appeal for non-academic misconduct case.

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 295 484 629 352
Passcode: 8T7gRx
Download Teams | Join on the web
Contact: Andrew Snitka, snitka@uwm.edu, (414) 251-6968.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(a)
Deliberating concerning a case which was the subject of any judicial or quasi-judicial trial or hearing before that governmental body., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

April 17, 2024

ITM position
Dial-in by phone +1 414-253-8850,,967174449# United States, Milwaukee Find a local number Phone conference ID: 967 174 449#, 12:00 pm
Purpose of Meeting: Reviewing candidates after phone interviews.
Contact: Suha Abdalla Omari, somari@uwm.edu, (414) 251-6995.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c)
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

This meeting will reconvene in open session.

April 17, 2024

Discipline and Dismissal Hearing Committee
Teams, 09:00 am
Purpose of Meeting: To discussion the process for the hearing to be held in May.
Contact: William Keith, wmkeith@uwm.edu, (414) 559-5320.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(a)
Deliberating concerning a case which was the subject of any judicial or quasi-judicial trial or hearing before that governmental body., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

April 17, 2024

Career Development Advisor Committee
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_N2NlMWFkNTgtMWY2My00MjhmLWEzZjctODE5ZDMyZGJlODNm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220bca7ac3-fcb6-4efd-89eb-6de97603cf21%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c738bc54-bc92-4e4f-9612-a8b1b0bb6ced%22%7d, 08:00 am
Purpose of Meeting: kick-off meeting
Contact: Emily Holmes, holmese@uwm.edu, (414) 251-8469.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c)
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

April 17, 2024

School of Information Studies Academic Planning and Budget Committee
Teams https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Y2QyZjRlMmYtNmY5YS00NjJkLTg0MjMtOGQ0NDljMTlmMWVl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220bca7ac3-fcb6-4efd-89eb-6de97603cf21%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224e929112-2bc6-4f29-bfa3-5b483d96b4c9%22%7d, 01:00 pm
Purpose of Meeting: The SOIS APBC meets to discuss the schedule for Summer and Fall 2024 as well as budget updates.
Contact: Nadine I. Kozak, kozakn@uwm.edu, (414) 251-8783.

April 17, 2024

Brand Ambassador Coordinator Search & Screen
Via Microsoft Teams: +1 414-253-8850, Phone conference ID: 518 173 881#, 02:00 pm
Purpose of Meeting: To review and discuss applicant information
Contact: Alison Wiencek, aewilder@uwm.edu, (414) 290-7200.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c)
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

April 16, 2024

Department ofArt & Design Faculty Meeting
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3abcb61bae32ff48f093b697c9156e9b5e%40thread.skype/1701106289540?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220bca7ac3-fcb6-4efd-89eb-6de97603cf21%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c3179fb9-adea-43a4-80d9-8baac4cf5310%22%7d, 01:00 pm
Purpose of Meeting: Call for nominations for the Graduate Director / Vote on A&D Chair position (Joseph Mougel)
Sophomore Review (Melissa Wagner Lawler)
Spring 24 Scholarship Submissions (Angie Piehl)
Differential Tuition (Jessica Meuninck-Ganger)
Artists Now! (Nicolas Lampert)
HBUT Report and Position Announcement (Jim Charles)
FYP Report (Cynthia Hayes)
Grad Program Report (Nicole Ridgway)
CC Report (Lisa Moline)
Best Practices on Canvas (Lisa Moline)
Publishing grading policy in course syllabus and timely posting feedback/grades (Joseph Mougel)
Email etiquette (walking meetings, schedule send, reasonable response time, etc.) (Joseph Mougel)
Departmental Organization & Resources (Tiara Nord)
Changes to the 24/25 SOC (Joseph Mougel)
Facilities Report (Joseph Mougel)
Reminders & Dates
Contact: Joseph Mougel, mougel@uwm.edu, (414) 251-6296.

April 16, 2024

Center Administrator Search and Screen Committee
Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 263 559 616 994 Passcode: DDb9Y8 Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 414-253-8850,,565948436# United States, Milwaukee Phone Conference ID: 565 948 436#, 09:30 am
Purpose of Meeting: To conduct an interview.
Contact: Jake Azinger, Tazinger@uwm.edu, (414) 251-8122.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c)
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

April 16, 2024

Financial Specialist II Recruitment
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjVmYTZhNzItZTI2NC00NjJhLWJjZGMtMTQ3MjRmZTMyNmE2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220bca7ac3-fcb6-4efd-89eb-6de97603cf21%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22570dedd9-d318-4248-b1c0-e0e295b1a576%22%7d, 09:30 am
Purpose of Meeting: The purpose of this meeting is to review applicants minimum and preferred qualifications, and then if we have time we will generate interview questions for the first round of interviews.
Contact: McKenna Knutson, knutso62@uwm.edu, (414) 251-5784.
This meeting may go into closed session, per state statute:
Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c)
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility., Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(f)
Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons.

This meeting will reconvene in open session.

This page lists upcoming UWM open meetings. For further information or assistance, please call 414-229-4454.

Submit an open meeting notice (UWM faculty and staff only – UWM credentials required).

Note: Changes to posted meetings must be submitted via email to John Schumacher.