Quizlet Chapter XXII
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accedō, accedere, accēssī, accēssum to approach
admittō, admittere, admīsī, admissum to admit, to let in, to allow
anteā before
arbitror, arbitrārī, arbitrātus sum to think, to deem to judge
aureus, -a, -um golden
aurum, -ī (n.) gold
catēna, -a, (f.) chain
caveō, cavēre, cāvī, cautum to beware
cardō, cardinis (m.) hinge, pivot
cēdō, cēdere, cēssī, cessum to go, to yield
cūstōdiō, cūstōdīre, cūstodī, cūstōdītum to guard, to watch over
dērīdiō, dērīdēre, derīsī, derīsum to mock
extrā outside
faber, fabrī (m.) craftsman, workman
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum to carry, to bear
ferōx, ferōcis wild, savage
ferrus, -a, -um iron
forās outside (toward)
foris, foris (f.) door, folding door
fermō, fermere, fermuī, fermitum to growl
iānitor, iānitōris (m.) doorman
imāgō, imagīnis (f.) image
intrā inside
iste, ista, istud that (of your)
ligeus, -a, -um wooden
lignum, ī (n.) wood
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitum to warn, to advise
līmen, līminis (n.) threshold
mordeō, mordēre, momordī, mōrsum to bite
nūper recently
pallium, -ī (n.) cloak
pellō, pellere, pepulī, pulsum to drive
piosteā afterwards
prehendō, prehendere, prehendī, prehēnsum to grasp, to grab hold of
prius before, sooner
quīn why not? in fact
recēdō, recēdere, recēssī, recessum to go back
removeō, removēre, remōvī, remōtum to move back
resistō, resistere, resistī, — to stop, to halt
retineō, retinere, retinuī, retentum to hold back, to retain
rogitō, rogitāre, rogitāvī, rogitātum to ask repeatedly, to keep asking
rumpō, rumpere, rūpī, ruptum to break
saliō, salīre, saluī, saltum to jump
scindo, scindere, scīdī, scīssum to tear
solvō, solvere, solvī, soltum to loosen
sīcut just as
scīlicet certainly, in fact, naturally
sinō, sinere, sīvī, situm to allow, to permit, to let
tabellārius, -ī (m.) letter carrier
tandem finally
tērreō, terrēre, terruī, territum to frighten
tremo, tremere, tremuī, — to tremble
vinciō, vincīre, vīnxī, vīnctum to tie, to bind