Quizlet Chapter XVIII
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addō, addere, addidī, additum to add
animadvertō, animadvertere, ~vertī, ~versum to notice
apis, apis (f.) bee
bis twice
calamus, -ī (m.) reed, reed-pen
cēra, -ae (f.) wax
charta, -ae (f.) paper, map
comparō, comparāre to compare, to prepare, to liken
coniungō, coniongere, coniunxī, coniunctum to connect, to unite
cōnsonāns, cōnsonantis (f.) consonant
corrigō, corrigere, correxī, correctum to correct
deciēs ten times
dēleō, dēlēre, dēlevī, dēletum to destroy, to wipe out
dēsum, desse to be away, to lack
dictō, dictāre to dictate, to compose
dūrus, -a, -um hard
efficiō, efficere, effecī, effectum to bring about, to produce, to affect
erus, -ī (m.) master of the house
exaudiō, exaudīre, exaudivī, exauditum to overhear
epistula, -ae (f.) letter
ferrum, -ī (n.) iron
frequēns, frequentis numerous, full
īdem, aedem, idem the same
impiger, -gra, -grum active, energetic
imprimō, imprimere, impressī, imoressum to press on
intellegō, intellegere, intellexī, intellectum to understand
ita so, in such a manner
iungō, iungere, iunxī, iunctum to join
legō, legere, legī, lectum to read, to pick
māteria, -ae (f.) material, matter
mendum, -ī (n.) error
mercēs, mercēdis reward, pay, wages
mollis, -e soft
papyrūs, -ī (m.) papyrus paper
premō, premere, pressī, pressum to press
quālis, -e what kind of
quarter four times
quīnquiēs five times
quotiēs how many times? as often
rārus, -a, -um rare
scribō, scrībere, scrīpsī, scrīptum to write
semel once
sententia, -ae (f.) opinion, sentence
sexiēs six times
sīc thus
significō, significāre to mean, to signify
signō, signāre to mark, to designate, to seal
supersum, superesse to be left over, to remain, to be extra
tālias, -e such of a kind
ter three times
totiēs as many times, so often
turpis, e ugly, foul, shameful
vōcālis, vōcālis vowel
varius, -a, -um varying, diverse, different
zephȳrus, -ī (m.) west-wind