2021 ACTFL NRC Workshop #2: Developing Interpretive Reading and Listening Proficiency
Developing Interpretive Reading and Listening Proficiency
This workshop focuses on how to use the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines to develop general proficiency in the interpretive modes of listening and reading in the target language. Participants will review the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines for Reading and Listening, followed by an introduction to text typology for these interpretive modes. The majority of the workshop time is spent in hands-on activities to guide participants in how 1) to evaluate the effectiveness of their existing materials in terms of their overall goals and target audience, and 2) to select authentic reading and aural texts and use them to design appropriate proficiency-based activities at various levels. At the end of the workshop, participants will also have the opportunity to discuss implications for assessing these interpretive modes.
This one-day workshop takes place:
May 24 Monday (9:00am – 12:00pm) and (1:00pm -4:00pm Central Time)
Please register below:
2021 ACTFL Workshop #2 Registration