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IRB Training: Informed Consent Workshop 2

Engelmann 242/248

Informed consent is a crucial part of human subjects research. Don’t put a jargon-filled template in front of subjects and ask them to sign; it is your responsibility as a researcher to ensure that every person who participates in your study understands what... Read More

IRB Training: IRB Basics

Engelmann 242/248

Topics covered in this monthly training session include: a basic overview of the IRB, how to prepare a submission, helpful hints, and a demonstration of IRBManager. Bring a laptop if you want to click along during the IRBManager portion of the... Read More

IRB Training: IRB Basics

Engelmann 242/248

Topics covered in this monthly training session include: a basic overview of the IRB, how to prepare a submission, helpful hints, and a demonstration of IRBManager. Bring a laptop if you want to click along during the IRBManager portion of the... Read More