New Freshmen by High School

This dashboard is no longer being updated due to OAIR's redesigned scope. Please see OAIR's Official Historical Comparison of Enrollments dashboard.for extensive historical enrollment data.
By Ethnicity:
By Academic Group: SharePoint Dashboard
Note: To help protect student privacy, this dashboard is limited to people who have existing access to OBIEE. To learn more about requesting access to OBIEE, please click here.
Description:Counts of New Freshman by Fall Semester, ethnicity, location of high school and high school name.

Users of this dashboard may be accessing FERPA-protected data and are therefore expected 1) only to access such data if they have a legitimate educational reason for doing so, and 2) to take appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality of such data, for example, redacting cell sizes less than 5 if the data will be shared outside of UWM.
Production Schedule:Fall Semester
Data Source: Vu_Sta_Student, Vu_Cc_External_Org_Dim
Change Log:2/22/2021: Dashboard updated to include breakouts by campus.

2/4/2021: Beginning Fall 2019, PDFs of this report are discontinued. Please use the SharePoint link above to access the dashboard version of the report.