Join the Equity Team

The Honors Equity Team seeks to interrogate systems of oppression and our participation within them. By providing a variety of engaging and educational events, we aim to contribute tools that each of us can use to actively dismantle asymmetries of power. We strive to uplift marginalized voices and collaborate with campus partners to spread inclusiveness throughout the community.

We are a vibrant group of students motivated by our mission, and we’d love for you to join us!

Opportunities to be involved with the Equity Team: 

  • Volunteer to visit and work with one of our Milwaukee area high school partners 

  • Volunteer to help plan and lead one of our summer camps 

  • Volunteer to help plan and run our upcoming Community Empowerment and Justice Symposium to be held in April 

  • Attend our bi-weekly meetings or one of the Equity Team-sponsored events  

  • Review the Honors Weekly Announcement email in students’ inboxes every Monday of the semester to learn about what the Equity Team is up to 


From a current member of the Honors Equity Team, Casey J:

“Working on this initiative has left a profound impact on how I view education and how I understand the experiences that different students may face throughout their schooling. Perhaps most important to me are the connections we have crafted with Milwaukee Public Schools. Being a part of this initiative has bridged a gap that I’ve felt deeply between myself and the Honors community as a first-generation student, and it gives me hope for a more welcoming and educated Honors.”