Followers of Mafia will find this a book they can’t refuse

When we think Mafia literature many of us probably think of The Godfather by Mario Puzo, and the three popular movies based on the book. But Robin Pickering-Iazzi, UWM professor of Italian and Comparative Literature, has a different perspective. In researching her new book, The …

Immerse yourself in Italian culture and language

Need a way to escape the winter blues? Interested in all things Italian? Join our Italian language immersion weekend and find yourself transported to the lovely, and warm, coastal region of Puglia!

Hear the Author Speak!

Italian professor Robin Pickering-Iazzi will be presenting her newest book, The Mafia in Italian Lives and Literature: Life Sentences and their Geographies, on Wednesday, February 17, at 7:00 PM at Boswell Book Company. Please join Robin Pickering-Iazzi for a lively talk and discussion …

Italian 203: Learning from a Distance

Even if your UW school does not offer Italian, you can take part in UW-Milwaukee’s Italian courses from the comfort of your own campus. By utilizing interactions based through live video feeds of your teacher and class, you can learn …

Robin Pickering-Iazzi talks about The Mafia in Italian Lives and Literature

Our own Italian Professor Robin Pickering-Iazzi talks about her new book The Mafia in Italian Lives and Literature: Life Sentences and Their Geographies. Her book explores how “the works of fiction, non-fiction, online social engagement, and practices performed by large numbers of …

The Voyage of Discovery

Have you ever been curious about your Italian heritage? Ever wondered what Italy is really like? This program offers a way to explore your Italian heritage and have a completely unique experience that you will treasure for a long time. …

Italian professor’s new book takes on the Mafia through fiction.

Prof. Robin Pickering-Iazzi’s newest book, The Mafia in Italian Lives and Literature: Life Sentences and Their Geographies (University of Toronto Press, 2015), explores perceptions of the Mafia in Italian fiction and non-fiction. Read more about it here.

Gathering today in solidarity with victims of terror

This Monday afternoon November 16th at 4pm (at UWM’s Spaights Plaza)There will be a gathering in remembrance of those we have lost to the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut, Egypt, Tunisia and Syria. Please join us in reflection and solidarityIn Spaights Plaza …


Progetto di volontariato nei Centri Ricreativi degli Oratori Lombardiper studenti americani di italiano(Estate 2016)In collaborazione con laDante Alighieri Society-Michigan Chapter ODL-Oratori delle Diocesi Lombarde ( in collaborazione con la Dante Alighieri Society-Michigan Chapter (, promuove per l’estate 2016 un opportunit  di volontariato …