A new edition of Gunima from Sarah Davies Cordova

Professor Sarah Davies Cordova of the French Program and Antoinette Sol (University of Texas at Arlington) published a new edition of Gunima by Hippolyte Carnot, released earlier this month by L’Harmattan. GUNIMA Nouvelle africaine du dix-huitième siècleHippolyte CarnotPrésentation de Sarah Davies Cordova …


We are delighted to announce that Mr. Eric Anderson has been promoted to Senior Lecturer, in recognition of his long record of excellence in teaching and service to the French Program. Congratulations!

Congratulations Mr. Anderson and Dr. Momcilovic!

We are delighted to announce that Mr. Eric Anderson (French) and Dr. Drago Momcilovic (Comparative Literature) have both been promoted to Senior Lecturer, in recognition of their long records of excellence in teaching and service to the Department of French, …

UWM Spotlight on Excellence: Humanities Matter

A 2012 survey of 652 U.S.-born CEOs and heads of product engineering showed almost 60 percent had degrees in the humanities.All undergraduate students engage with the humanities at some point during their studies at UWM. Each year, about 2,000 students …

Resolution of the Department of French, Italian, and Comparative Literature

The Department of French, Italian, and Comparative Literature calls upon the upper administration of UWM to conduct immediately a budgetary planning process that acknowledges and repairs the imbalance in budget allocations that has endangered the core academic and research missions of the …