The Teaching Media Archives Symposium will be hosted virtually by UWM on Friday, November 4th, 2:00PM – 4:30PM CST via Zoom – Register here.
The Teaching Media Archives Symposium brings together film and media scholars, teachers, and archivists to exchange ideas on initiatives that activate media archives through experiential undergraduate education. The symposium features four distinguished panelists, Snowden Becker (Independent Archives Consultant, Los Angeles), Sabrina Negri (UC-Boulder), Rachael Stoeltje (Association of Moving Image Archivists), and Justin Williams (South Side Home Movie Project, Chicago). And there will be plenty of time for discussion, so please bring your own experiences, questions, and ideas!
The event is organized by Tami Williams (Associate Professor of Film Studies) doctoral students Hugo Ljungbäck and Allison Farrell (UWM Moving Image Society), and is co-hosted by UWM Patricia Mellencamp Film and TV Archive and C21 Media Studies Research Collaboratory.