Saddleback Caterpillar – A Snowbird Special

Note: Most links leave to external sites. Greetings, BugFans, Today’s bug, the extraordinary-looking and aptly-named Saddle-backed caterpillar, is the 5th in our on-going Snowbird Special series about bugs you might see if you decide to tear yourself away from God’s Country …

Gray Field Slug 2/25/2019

Note: Most links leave to external sites. Salutations, BugFans, The BugLady has been hitting all her favorite wetlands and taking pictures and editing pictures, and it’s July 4th, and she hasn’t quite gotten a crisp, new BOTW ready. Since she …

Gray Field Slug

It has been almost 11 years since we last considered slugs (time flies!). The Gray Field/Garden Slug, one of about a dozen slug species in Wisconsin, is a European slug that’s described as a “synanthrope” – a species of plant or animal that lives in habitats modified by humans and that benefits from human association. It likes gardens, agricultural fields, roadsides, parks, and greenhouses.