Benedict Prairie
Benedict Prairie is a 6-acre tract of virgin prairie along a railroad right-of-way, in Kenosha Co., Wisconsin. The site has a remarkably diverse flora.
Cedarburg Beech Woods SNA (State Natural Area)
The Field Station owns almost 80 acres of one of the finest mature beech-maple forests remaining in southeastern Wisconsin. Like the Cedarburg Bog, the beech-maple forest has been designated a State Natural Area.
Cedarburg Bog SNA (State Natural Area)
The Cedarburg Bog is one of the largest and most diverse wetlands in southern Wisconsin. The southernmost string bog in North America lies in the heart of the bog and was designated as a SNA in 1952. It was also designated a National Natural Landmark by the U.S. Department of Interior in 1973 due to its unique and diverse ecosystems.
Downer Woods
The Downer Woods Natural Area is an 11.1 acre fenced forest on the UWM campus, which became part of the UWM Field Station in the Spring of 1998. The area is open to the public and has graveled trails throughout.
Mayville Ledge Maple-Beech SNA (State Natural Area)
Mayville Ledge is a one-half mile exposure of Niagara dolomite escarpment, ranging from 40 to 60 feet in height. The escarpment slope supports an ungrazed forest of sugar maple, basswood, red oak, and American elm.
Sapa Spruce Bog SNA (State Natural Area)
This pristine bog adjacent to the Field Station is the southernmost black spruce bog in the state. Access to this bog is allowed for research purposes only.
Other Upland Habitats
Approximately 110 acres of old agricultural fields in various stages of succession. Three of the old field areas are maintained permanently in herbaceous vegetation.
Thienmann Arboretum
More information coming.
Ruess Pine Woods
More information coming.