
If you have completed a bachelor’s degree and would like to enroll in graduate courses but are not sure about pursuing a graduate degree, enroll as a Graduate Special Student (Non-Degree Candidate). Many graduate-level courses are offered in the late afternoon or evening, enabling the completion of coursework on a part-time basis.

Contact Information

Engineering Graduate Program Office

Phone: 414-229-6169
E-mail: Betty Warras

Non-degree student enrollment steps

  1. Apply for admission as a non-degree student

    • Application will be processed in 3-5 business days. You will receive acknowledgment, a student ID number and e-Panther ID for e-mail.
  2. Review available courses

  3. Register for courses

    • Use PAWS (Panther Access to Web Services) to register for classes
    • As a special student, courses can be taken upon approval of the individual instructor

Help is always available by calling 229-4040 – The Student Help Desk.

Will credits taken as Special (NDC) Student transfer into a Graduate Program?

If you decide to apply to the master’s program, the maximum number of transfer credits allowable is the higher of (a) 12 semester credits or (b) 40% of the total number of credits required for graduation. To qualify, the work must meet the following criteria:

  • Graduate level, from an accredited institution
  • Taken within five years of admission to the UWM degree program
  • Credits were not used to meet previous degree requirements
  • Grade of B or better (B- is not acceptable)
  • Approved by your graduate program unit